Unlike range partitioning, with list partitioning, there is no apparent sense of order between partitions. If a0 < a1, then b0 and b1 can have any values. Index entries for rows in a given subpartition of the base table are stored in the corresponding subpartition of the index. Every row with supplier_id < 10 is stored in partition p1, regardless of the partnum value. Use multicolumn partitioning when the partitioning key is composed of several columns and subsequent columns define a higher granularity than the preceding ones. The list subpartition descriptions, in the SUBPARTITION clauses, are described as for non-composite list partitions, except the only physical attribute that can be specified is a tablespace (optional). The high bound of partition p3 represents the transition point. The only way to define list subpartitions for future interval partitions is with the subpartition template. However, because there was little business in the first quarter, the storage attributes for partition sales_q1_2006 are made smaller. This results in one default subpartition being created and stored in tbs_4. Can you please provide me a sample definition to achieve it in Oracle. For example, if you create an interval partitioned table with monthly intervals and the transition point is at January 1, 2010, then the lower boundary for the January 2010 interval is January 1, 2010. Example 4-5 Creating a hash-partitioned table. A subpartition template simplifies the specification of subpartitions by not requiring that a subpartition descriptor be specified for every partition in the table. However, partitions of different indexes defined on the same object can reside in tablespaces of different block sizes. The service level agreement with the customer states that every order is delivered in the calendar month after the order was placed. However, you cannot create two tables of the same XML schema that has out-of-line tables. That depends on how your tablespace is set up. Normally, all partitions of a (large) partitioned table must be scanned to calculate the statistics on table level. Oops! The subpartition descriptions, in the SUBPARTITION or SUBPARTITIONS clauses, are similar to range-* composite partitioning methods. All partition methods are supported when using virtual columns, including interval partitioning and all different combinations of composite partitioning. A row is mapped to a partition by checking whether the value of the partitioning column for a row falls within a specific partition range. The PARTITION or PARTITIONS clauses can have OVERFLOW subclauses that allow you to specify attributes of the overflow segments at the partition level. If b0