What statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? 25.The human microbiome contains approximately 100 million microorganisms. 24.Fecal treatments can be used to help people struggling with Salmonella bacteria. 8.Bacteria helps our body function by helping in the digestion of food. * * B About 80% of all marine organisms live in the euphotic zone. 4.Cells are typically measured in nanometers. It occurs in cool, moist environments. The products of glycolysis can be used in either cellular respiration or fermentation. Tags: Question 8 . It gets enough light for plants to undergo photosynthesis, or convert the sun’s energy into food. d) Glycolysis is an aerobic process. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy. ramuramu ramuramu Aerobics and anaerobic respiration is true. O C) ETC protein complexes are located in the mitochondrial matrix. Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is TRUE: ____. D. The membrane has an electrochemical gradient, due to extra Na outside and K inside. 3.We can live without microorganisms. Photosynthesis happens in flora, algae, and intensely some species of bacteria, yet no longer in archaea. B) Cellular respiration produces water. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding fermentation? Which of the following cells would swell and rupture: ____, This textbook can be purchased at www.amazon.com. True False True Which of the following statements about aerobic cellular respiration in the human body is NOT correct? Number the processes from 1 to 5 to show to show how respiration provides energy to a muscle fiber for contraction to take place. True False A. -cytoplasm. answer choices . Glycolysis is the first step of cellular respiration, and creates molecules of ATP, pyruvate, and NADH. H 2 O. NADH. …, y, bacteria only need food to survive. Which statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? New questions in Science. C. Fungi and bacteria carry out aerobic cellular respiration only. A. Which of the following is true about photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Which of the following statements is not true of energy production in cells? Correct answers: 2 question: All of the following statements regarding ATP are true EXCEPT: A ATP is broken down during cellular respiration EP B EP The energy within ATP is released when the bond between the second and third phosphate group is broken ATP has high potential energy de OD ATP is created through glycolysis and cellular respiration Next A. …, ¿Qué tipo de contaminación ocasiona un incendio forestal causado por el ser humano? * Some of this energy, however, is lost as heat energy since the process of transformation of energy is inherently inefficient. B. D True Add your answer and earn points. O2!is reduced when it accepts electrons and forms water. In fact, the very first life on Earth, a microscopic single-celled organism, probably started in the ocean 3.5 billion years ago. C. Cellular respiration is a series of redox reactions, where O2 reduces glucose to CO, 15. The scientist is studying the processes for which cellular respiration provides work, such as the contraction of muscles. C. Cholesterol and cis-unsaturated fatty acids aid in membrane fluidity. Biological membranes are made of two layers of phospholipids with tails facing each other. SURVEY . 1 See answer full question please Saibalu5140 is waiting for your help. E) Cellular respiration releases heat. D. Anaerobic respiration can provide energy to animals for several days in the absence of oxygen. 5.After using antibiotics, there are more healthy bacteria in the gut. 9. E. It releases more energy from C 6 H 12 O 6 than cellular respiration. It can be used as an alternative to photosynthesis. Which of the following regarding ATP is TRUE: ____, 16. 16.The human body provides an environment (food and space) for bacteria to survive. Cellular respiration is an energetically unfavorable pathway that occurs in the mitochondria. C) Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide. C. All living organisms carry out some form of cellular respiration. 9. B. False A) Glucose and oxygen are delivered to the cells by the bloodstream. For more on photosynthesis and cellular respiration check out; This site is using cookies under cookie policy. B) Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step. A) Cellular respiration consumes glucose. Evaluate this statement. Correct answers: 2 question: In eukaryotes, cellular respiration takes place in the -nucleus. D. It occurs in cacti and pineapples. ... What is the correct equation for cellular respiration? D. It requires oxygen. “Anaerobic respiration is only used when aerobic respiration is not an option.” -This is not correct, because some organisms are more … This process is performed by fast glycolytic fibers, which explains why these muscles fibers rarely fatigue. A. Both NADH and FADH 2 serve as electron carriers, depositing electrons in the electron transport chain to generate the proton gradient that powers ATP synthase. Which of the following options lists the stages in cellular respiration in the correct order? Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false? Even though they are tin 2 pts Which statement is TRUE regarding anaerobic cellular respiration? C. Fungi and bacteria carry out aerobic cellular respiration only. Which statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? True B. All living organisms carry out some form of cellular respiration. B) Cellular respiration produces water. 1) Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration is true? A B) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria, and cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts. …. Cellular respiration in plants occurs only during the day. 13. In this way, the ocean is considered the Earth’s final frontier. This zone provides enough light, food, and shelter to support a wide variety of organisms. CO 2. True an object that IS NOT MOVING, or is at ___________________________, will stay at ___________________, AND, HURRY PLEASE HELP!!! c nitrogen fixation is the process atmospheric nitrogen is converted into biologically usable forms. answer choices . D. Only plants and animals use glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration. True B. 20. * False Which of the following statements regarding the movement of electrons during cellular respiration is true? It results in the partial oxidation of C 6 H 12 O 6. The overall equation for the cellular respiration of glucose is. Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step. B. Ayudaaa, es para hoyyy, si no respondes bie Ayudaaa, es para hoyyy, s 15.Every scientific argument has 4 things: a question, a claim, evidence, and reasoning. C. Fungi and bacteria carry out aerobic cellular respiration only. Cellular Respiration True or False – Glycolysis, when used as a sole means of producing ATP for cells in the absence of oxygen, is referred to as fermentation. Cellular respiration is an energetically unfavorable pathway that occurs in the mitochondria. D. Only plants and animals use glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration. C. It uses PEP carboxylase to fix CO2 in the mesophyll cells. 14.A proposed answer to a question about the natural world is evidence. C. Autotrophs and heterotrophs do not need each other to be able to survive. * * answer choices ... Scientists find that species X always produces CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration. False A. Which of the following statements about the energy yields from cellular respiration is true? True * Which of the following statements regarding cellular energy-harvesting pathways is false? 6) 7) The overall equation for the cellular respiration of glucose is A) C6H12O6 + energy → 6 CO2+ 6 H2O + 6 O2. When the plant is exposed to sunlight, the light stage of photosynthesis is very active. False Which statement regarding cellular respiration is false? * Oxygen and carbon dioxide are two important gasses involved in the process of respiration. Which of the following statements regarding macromolecules is FALSE: ____, 18. Which statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? Anaerobic respiration is cellular respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen. It involves the stomata opening at night and closing in the day. 9. answer choices ... Only plants and animals use glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration. * Photosynthesis is part of the carbon cycle, and cellular respiration is not. B) ETC proteins move protons into the intermembrane space. 13.Living things such as plants, animals and bacteria are known as microorganisms. C. It can only be done by prokaryotes. Ayudaaa, es para hoyyy, si no respondes bien te re Cellular Respiration True or False - Glycolysis is an anaerobic process (it does not require oxygen). Justifica tu respuesta * A. The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans are completely separate from each other. False 26. The energy of the electrons is harnessed to make ATPs by photophosphorylation. Which of the following statements regarding chemical processes is FALSE: ____, 17. 9. True The electron transport chain is a non-spontaneous endergonic process c. False (Select all statements that are true). A Therefor animals! Which statement best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? * * Scientists suspect that the drug will be harmful to human cells because it will inhibit d denitrification occurs when a nitrogen containing … Life in the ocean is more diverse and plentiful tha True You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. False Which molecule is not an important molecule regarding Cellular Respiration? A drug is tested in the laboratory and is found to create holes in both mitochondrial membranes. -cellular membrane. 10. 19.Mice have a microbiome closely similar to that of a humans and, as a result, we use their info to compare experiments on. TRUE 25. True 10.People are more susceptible to harmful bacteria when they have a normal gut microbiome. Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false? Scientists know less about the ocean than they do about the dark side of the moon. Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is TRUE A, 4 out of 4 people found this document helpful, 14. a) Major products of glycolysis include pyruvate, ATP , and NADH . C) Water can remain in … The ocean is one of Earth’s biomes. Is it correct? Oxygen is taken from the atmosphere and is utilized by cells to create energy via cellular respiration. true? False * This zone is home to all plants and animals that do not need sunlight to survive. Montgomery County Community College • BIO 131, Tri-County Technical College • BIO 210-211, Lone Star College System, ?Montgomery • BIOL 2401, Butler County Community College • BIOLOGY 131, Montgomery County Community College • BIO 121, Hillsborough Community College • BSC 1086. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. …. choose 1 answer: choose 1 answer: a animals obtain nitrogen through the process of cellular respiration. False False Number 1 should be the first step, and number 5 should be the last step. When a cell requires energy, ATPs molecules are broken down to ADP + Pi and the energy in the broken bond is used to power the activity. Which statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? * 9.When we take too many antibiotics in a short period of time healthy bacteria can be destroyed. All living organisms carry out some form of cellular respiration. All living organisms carry out some form of cellular respiration. keiyasharyuu is waiting for your help. B. Respiration brings CO2 to the tissues so that cellular respiration can occur. O2 is reduced when it accepts electrons and forms water. Add your answer and earn points. 14. During cellular respiration, NADH - Q. False. A) Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts, and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria. This process catabolizes fatty acids using oxygen to produce ATP. This zone is at the very bottom of the ocean, so fish can absorb minerals from the sand. 17.Information about the natural world that is used to support or go against (refute) a claim is data. True Answer: A Topic: 6.3 Skill: Knowledge/Comprehension 18.Many organisms are microscopic—so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. B. jejuni is a type of healthy bacteria. D) Cellular respiration releases heat. A. This zone is used as farmland, growing crops that fish and other sea organisms eat. C True C) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. There are five major oceans—th False * Energy is stored in its phosphate bonds. (5 points) A) Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step. ___ 14. A biome is an area that is characterized by the plants and animals that live there. cellular respiration is complete via each cellular in the two flora and animals and is mandatory for on a daily basis living.the two approaches happen concurrently in mild. e Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Southern—that are all connected in what is known as the World Ocean. ____14. This phase involves the use of sunlight energy to split water molecules so as to harness the high energy electrons that emanate from this process called photolysis. O 2. Question 6 (1 point) Saved Which of the following is true regarding the electron transport chain (ETC) of cellular respiration. B. Photosynthesis is just a reverse equation of cellular respiration. Why is marine life so plentiful in the euphotic zone? Which of the statements regarding the nitrogen cycle is true? Scientists know more about the moon than they do the ocean. i could choose: Photosynthesis happens in flora; cellular respiration … Scientists have studied most of the ocean, but a tiny bit remains unexplored. FADH 2 is produced later, during the citric acid cycle. D. Only plants and animals use glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration. The ocean, sometimes called the marine biome, is huge, covering 70% of the Earth’s surface. 22.C. True Averigua qué efectos negat * Usually, some form of nutrient for the cell, like glucose, is broken down, and the energy in the binds used to power the cell’s activities. This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 7 pages. Which statement regarding cellular respiration is correct? Food and shelter are plentiful in the euphotic zone, which is home to most ocean fish, jellyfish, sea turtles, seals, coral, starfish, and shellfish. C) Cellular respiration releases heat. Cellular respiration and photosynthesis are opposite processes. 6) Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is false? * All cells require energy to power their life processes. False 6.Patient 23 was able to eliminate ONLY the C. jejuni bacteria and no other types of bacteria by taking an antibiotic. * A person who has a harmful bacteria in their microbiome will report symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. b atmospheric nitrogen is absorbed through the leaves of plants. D B. B. True B. 11.Living things with fewer than normal helpful bacteria in their guts can become infected more easily because there is more food and space available for harmful bacteria. False False 10. c) Two glucose molecules are needed to initiate glycolysis. …, ¿La emisión de gases inocuos para los seres vivos por una industria es una actividad contaminante? The net amount of ATP made during cellular respiration is greater than that made during fermentation. The correct answer is C: Anaerobic respiration is used commercially in the production of beer, wine, bread, yogurt, and cheese. Which of the following statements regarding cellular respiration is true? True A. The ocean has many different ecosystems, or communities of living organisms and their environment. True D. Only plants and animals use glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration. The membrane is modeled as a fluid mosaic due to embedded proteins and nucleic acids. The light reactions produce ATP from sunlight energy. False A. Pick the option that has the best argument for/against this claim. ivos tiene el ruido en la salud de los seres humanos. Antibiotics only kill harmful bacteria. 7.Tiny structures that make up all living things and are the smallest units able to perform life functions are known as molecules. True A) Cellular respiration is a single chemical reaction with just one step. Cells release large amounts of energy in the form of heat. 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