it sure lots hardwork and dedication to made this clip. This means guy movies are more profitable and tend to dominate the marketplace, because they’re playing to more quadrants or whatever. Heh. We can climb outta hell… one inch at a time. Not no Chinese, no Viet Cong, no Japanese. I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England; and I am never, ever sick at sea. Powerful – but just too short! 1 Minute Speech Topics. But I can’t stop! He stood and fought, even when hopelessly outnumbered, and never gave up. Amazing! I haven’t seen it in a while, but I do remember her having a number of really big/heavy scenes. But I ain’t goin’ no 10,000 miles to help murder and kill other poor people. Only a few movies and shows have really done this well, and certainly not enough to make a quality montage. And through our pain we will make them see their injustice, and it will hurt — as all fighting hurts. (Print two copies of your manuscript. “[a]s a group/ They’re rather stupid.” Kills me. But, you know, interesting. If you’d like to develop skills to get big ideas across in a short space of time, consider: Al Pacino, on “Any given sunday” : “So people, what are the great inspirational movie quotes by women?”. The line must be drawn HERE. They will seize our possessions, but they cannot take away our self-respect if we do not give it to them. This one is one of my favorite political drama ones:, I’ve added it to my blog ( after finding it on When Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall, just after the second draft of it, he was approached by a woman on the street, the woman said, ‘Mr Franklin, what manner of government have you bequeathed us? I really love the speech in Newsies! And it worked. (3 mins) One of the classic movie speeches where Gordon Ghekko convinces shareholders of ‘Teldar Paper’ to vote for his business plan with a ‘Greed is good‘ message. Your efforts are appreciated! How can I download? Where would Bastian be without that weird princess girl? Great compilation. I used to keep an mp3 of that speech on my desktop in college, and when I hit the wall late nights writing a paper or working on a project and couldn’t go any further, I’d play it and recharge. Until we’re finished. For more impromptu speaking practice ideas visit this page of public speaking games. Alright! Susan Ivanovna from B5 is one of the most kickass spaceship flying type people in any media ever. They will imprison us, and they will fine us. Their task is to convey only the most important ideas and findings to a non-technical audience – and with only a single slide. From a basic standpoint, women buying shoes is something that is really only interesting to women. We are Hindu and Muslim, children of God, each one of us. I’ll tell you this, in any fight it’s the guy whose willing to die whose gonna win that inch. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. God forbid. I cannot stress how important it is for you to let the words in this video sink in. I wanna talk to him. I need to download it. Which makes me wonder if this lawyer has any idea as to the kind of grades one has to receive in college to be accepted at a top medical school. And there is of course the whole “Henry V was a dude, of course it’s a dude” angle. CNET. I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. It got me researching some more on creating transferable messages and the other useful set of tools I found was the SUCCES model from “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath. Am I sorry for what I did? Tech Republic. I must admit, also, I’d been searching for a way to communicate what I’d described as “Loving something for it’s strengths, while knowing of it’s faults and loving those too” while trying to describe the appeal of Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ On a Prayer”, which I feel like is the musical equivalent of one of these speeches. It’s not easy. Push the button. Jesus, this thing is like bottled happiness. I can’t watch that movie without crying. 21 of The Most Motivational Movie Speeches of All Time. So way back in April, I first had the idea of editing together inspirational speeches. I would never mean that to read as a condemnation of Belinkie, Bill Pullman, or anybody, except the faceless “institutions” that are of course at fault for everything. For fun I subtitle vids for the Deaf and Hard of hearing. Watch the movie speech here. I’m not sure you even know yourself, I think that’s the secret. @Janadr13 – That DOES seem like a good speech. Who doesn't love a good movie montage? Then, they will have my dead body — not my obedience. Greed is right, greed works. Conversely, when Rocky goes the distance with Apollo in Rocky, it’s boxing as a metaphor for damn near anything you want it to be. I haven’t been the annoying feminist in a long while, so here it is: Isn’t it sad that there are only 2.5 women in that video? I was hoping to see a clip from “The Warriors” of Cyrus shouting, “CAAAAN YOOOUUUU DIIIIGGGG IIIITT!!! (Less than 2 mins) Movies speeches like this show how messages can change the world! It’s that line that marks where irony and earnestness sort of collide. No, it’s not an action flick, but it’s a great movie, imo. This is a fight worth waging going forward, but it is not worth diminishing the brilliant work of Bill Pullman or Charles S. Dutton, who have done nothing wrong (except perhaps _Mr. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. Share on Twitter. As a Robert Sean Leonard fangirl, I watched the entire thing just to see if Mr. Keating’s speech from Dead Poet’s Society was in there. Now I can’t do it for ya, I’m too old. Where would the president of Independence Day be without that dead wife of HIS? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you’re going to let it be the worst. I’m stayin’ right here. (By the way, you couldn’t tell because it started the sentence, but “Inspiration” was capitalized.). @mlawski Good point. Not in Teldar stock; he owns less than 1 percent. I’m only here tonight because of you [wife, Alicia]. @phil: I guess it’s a perspective thing. So are you ready to take on the world? This list may not reflect recent changes . In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. In fact, they generally speak at half the pace of most business presentations. Writing and delivering a short speech is many times more difficult than writing and delivering a long speech. Caaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn yooooooooouuuuuuuuuu diiiiiiiiiiggggggggggg iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttt? Kim. We’re gonna live on! Where would William Wallace be without that dead wife of his? (could only identify the music from ID4 in the end), Good stuff starts a bit more than a minute in —, How does the Vivid Method Simplify Public Speaking. The reason, I think, that the focus has tended to be on “guy’s” genres like sports, war, sci-fi and fantasy is that, for those successful among them, it’s really not just guys going. Mainly – it’s not that Matt didn’t pick those scenes from those movies, it’s that those scenes disproportionately don’t exist or aren’t interesting, either because of the requirements of the genre, the precedent on which they are based, the audience they are looking for, or that fighting against type just for feministic reasons can be pretty counterproductive, since these speeches are all about “TYPE, TYPE, TYPE.”. but some I didn’t recognize and would like to see. But today you are the law. It’s just a bullshit word. And really, the lyrics are pretty tongue-in-cheek. The people of the United States are now a ragtag bunch of scruffy underdogs, down by three touchdowns at halftime, with a whole horde of orcs waiting for us right outside those locker room doors. Good freaking job. Let us take a solemn oath, in His name, that come what may we will not submit to this law.”. We hear the Spanish guns over the water. Gandhi: I praise such courage. I have a list of what i think are the movies you used. We’re in Post Production of an ad we’re working on, and we’ve got until Wednesday to get it finished [we’ve only just moved into Post Production – and we’ve 15-30 mins of footage, where most is definitely goin to be thrown out]. Now, you go ahead and read your Bible, Dennis, and you go to your church and with any luck you might win the annual raffle. “Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’re not here to indulge in fantasy, but in political and economic reality. 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes Warning: do not watch this rousing montage if you have a heart condition. Matthew- this is unbelievable. If you want only a 5 minute speech, it will take me 2 weeks to prepare. The AWESOME secret. All rights reserved. Patty Nixon, Betty Parker, Pamela Landy… Maybe a Joan Allen montage of some sort would be fun, if I was able. Its trade deficit and its fiscal deficit are at nightmare proportions. Let’s fly! i need a editing program close to that. Parole Board Interviewer: [Stamp: APPROVED]. That’s how winning is done! Demand that truth. But yeah, you’re going to have problems finding female field generals to give big inspirational speeches in historical epics. I mostly just wanted to make an inspirational speech :), @Siwi: I love that you said that OTI is where irony and earnestness collide. I would rather you just said ‘thank you’ and went on your way. In my religion, they say, “Act as if you had faith; faith will be given to you.”, If we are to have faith in justice we need only to believe in ourselves and act with justice. I love the “peace with/by inches” speech from _Any Given Sunday_, which of course you included in this excellent piece. Share; Tweet; This is a short but extremely effective inspirational speech from serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. We will be united in our common interests. I once performed a rousing rendition of “Proud to Be an American” in a karaoke bar. Wow, as soon as the footage for Free Willy and the Goonies came up on there I laughed out loud for nearly 2 minutes straight! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We’re not important enough to make the big, final speeches to rouse up the team or the country or the Ancient Roman armies? Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. F Four Freedoms‎ (1 C, 11 P) N Speeches by Nazis‎ (1 C, 2 P) Pages in category "World War II speeches" The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total. So it’s not that he doesn’t hear her; it’s that he heard her, shrugged it off, and went back to work. But that makes me realize something along the lines of the already-discussed gender disparity. Linked from Lifehacker. To me, it’s just a made up word, a politician’s word, so that young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job. Why? No. The rich win; the poor are powerless. I liked how you built the story line clip by clip. It was a great motivational speech for West Berliners, who lived in the constant fear of a possible East German occupation. I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don’t quite make it. They are, in fact, a prayer, I mean a fervent and a frightened prayer. I am board certified in cardiothoracic medicine and trauma surgery. Because to tell you the truth, I don’t give a shit. You find out life’s this game of inches, so is football. really appreatiate it. Believe me when I say we can break this army here, and win just one for the Gipper. A short speech has to be well focused, compact and pithy and also has to include all the elements of a long speech, with the inflexible time constraint. They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Clap! Half the female representation is Peter Pan). (2 mins) Great movie speech where Morgan Freeman’s character ‘Redding’ addresses the parole board for the final time. The ending speech of “The American President”. That is pretty outstanding. They’re in every break of the game, every minute, every second. America has become a second-rate power. Since then, the Dow has dropped 3,000 points and one million jobs have been lost. I wanna try to talk some sense to him — tell him the way things are. Want me to go to somewhere and I fight for you? Fun games for practicing impromptu speaking. Watch this great movie speech here. The only improvement I have found would be to let the music complete or fade more gracefully at the end. I don’t remember a scene like that in The Elephant Man…. A day may come when the courage of men fails… but it is not THIS day. There are definitely times when you’re tediously ripping DVDs and you think, “Why exactly is this worth it?” But then you read a comment like that, and you remember, “Oh yeah, I heart making cool things and sharing them with thousands of like-minded strangers.” So thanks. I’ve used Mel Gibson in Braveheart as a metaphor at least twice this week. I’m fairly certain that is what you were going for. First little gasp/laugh of delight: appearance of Newsies. Ok, here’s an inspirational line from a woman: “Imagine, in the midst of all this slaughter, to die in a way that means something.”, aww, sweet this is just what we need in Digital Movie Processing in college. from Harvard. and of course the final court room speach from Jack Nicholson in A few Good Men: “You can’t handle the truth! I’ll never tell. Have you been wanting to try something new? That’s right — you, the stockholder. Powerful and short. I, uh, I’ve pissed away all my money, believe it or not. I’d love tho share this with my Brazilian friends! But that’s fine, we’ll just get tougher with it! Public Speaking with Twice the Impact, Using Half the Effort. Famous Two Minute Speeches THIS “daughters’ daughter” surely “adores” them for it. No, make that ten. Short Speeches. Here’s a clip of the President of the Earth that is a little depressing, but still rings with the ones ^up there^. Giving an Introduction Speech … Mlawski says it better, as I would expect. In the last seven deals that I’ve been involved with there were 2.5 million stockholders who have made a pre-tax profit of 11 million dollars. Some clips were 4:3, so I had to blow them up to fill a 16:9 frame. Click the links below to jump to a specific speech. “How many of you know the 16 words in President Bush’s State of the Union Address that led us to war? So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. Excerpt-Do I wish that the Christian would become Hindu? MAKE MORE it;s great. I asked the first question, and somebody else asked the second. Your gonna see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team, because he knows when it comes down to it your gonna do the same for him. But we cannot lose. Ellis Boyd Redding, your files say you’ve served 40 years of a life sentence. Aragorn could’ve done what Sarumon did and conceded to Sauron, but he didn’t. Now I think ya going to see a guy who will go that inch with you. I love that you threw Swingers in there. A Two-Minute Speech on Time. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. You say potato, I say potato. Where’s the video for us? Ask those questions. its 4 am and finals, and some inspiration was SO necessary. I made Portuguese subtitles for the video, but I can’t put them on Youtube because I’m not the author. It really does hit this sort of weird sweet spot where I enjoy it simultaneously on two levels. Thus, and in answer to your last question, check out _Iron Jawed Angels_ about Alice Paul and the women involved in the American movement for women’s suffrage under Wilson, the wave of feminism that finally got us the vote. This also means that I’m not sure we should still be thinking of them as guy movies. If I was half the commenter I was six years ago, I’d take a FLAAAMEthrower to this place. Tell us what is true.”. braveheart/muppets take manhattan/animal house/rudy/ dunno /dunno / dunno / lord of the rings: return of the king/startrek next generation/dunno/stand and deliver/newsies/your a good sport charlie brown/apallo 13/ rocky / kingdom of heaven/nute rockney all american/alexander/dunno/hang em high or high plains drifter/ robin hood prince of thieves/ lil dictator/patton/any given sunday/pirates : at world’s end/300/troy/dunno/miracle/dead poets society/galaxy quest/star wars/ the untouchables/dunno/peter pan/hoosiers/mighty ducks/henry v/pulp fiction/ braveheart again/independance day/free willie/angels in the outfield/cool runnings/dead poets society/animal house/spartacus/goonies/never ending story/rudy/shawshank redemption/grinch christmas/ferris bueller/bill and teds excellent adventure/rocky, P.S. If you’re not, you will be after seeing these movie speeches. Baha. Very well done. Let them come with the armies of Hell; they will not pass! The kind of movies whose speeches are collected in this 135 seconds of joy here celebrate the latter while condemning the former, in some plot related way. I’ve never had a big, empty stage all to myself before. See, those are just symbols of our desire to be just. I really, really loved this. thank you so much for this! For the next 30 days.” ​If you’re inspired to try your own 30 Day Challenge, see the end of the post for some ideas and a free 30 Day Challenge Tracker. You are all my reasons. Whenever I feel tired, frustrated or cornered, I read a couple of famous short speeches for inspiration. I remember I played it for the YPMB scriptwriting committee once, I think before we wrote our Harvard script. A problem I always run into doing these videos is that you can’t just push a button and make a movie’s soundtrack magically disappear. It is interesting how some of these story lines become a part of our lives. Teldar Paper has 33 different vice presidents, each earning over 200 thousand dollars a year. I can’t find it, but Delen gives a great speech about the awesomeness of humans in the first season. Redding: I know what you think it means, sonny. You, Lt. Weinberg? Right now, it’s rather abrupt. I watched ‘Fair Game‘ last night (with Sean Penn and Naomi Watts) which ended with a powerful movie speech. “‘God sent me’? thanks Kevin, Way cool! It motivated me to “seize the day” or actually this whole new year! Greed clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. The inches we need are everywhere around us. Copyright © Vivid Learning • Log in • • Phone +61 3 9537 2844. But one of the rules I was trying to stick to is no actor appears more than once. And I ain’t runnin’ to Canada. Even though I had no idea what they were talking about, that was the most inspirational thing I’ve ever seen. Valid point though. Great video. We see the sails of the enemy approaching. What do you really wanna know? what is the music during the clip? @Siwi – Thanks so much for your comment. I agree-it’s a great way to end the week. “The question is, “Do I have a ‘God Complex’? But of course, this is one of these projects where there’s no right or wrong answers – I’m sure if I’d started on a different day, everything would have come together differently, with different clips. We claw with our fingernails for that inch. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. If I wanna die, I’ll die right here, right now fightin’ you — if I wanna die. Redding: There’s not a day goes by I don’t feel regret. The soundtrack is full of stirring, inspirational stuff like that. Son, we live in a world that has walls. Full text and audio database of Top 100 American Speeches by Rank Order Push the button. Other clips were 2.35:1, and I had to blow those up too. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. 13 years later, his speech still holds relevance. See the new "I Love You" video! on you. (Starts at .48 seconds into this clip). !” over and over again. Here’s a 2-minute motivational speech that I was asked to write. Published. im sure there are 100 other clips that could have been inspirational and im not going to sit here and argue for them, but i just reallyyyy need to thank you for this extra push…, now back to studying, or as i like to say “second star to the right, and straight on till morning!”, How about the ‘life is like a mop’ speech in UHF by Stanley Spudowski (Michael Richards)…”I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”. Inch by inch, play by play. Rehabilitated? from this post. I think the reason this works so effectively, and why such speeches in movies work in general, is because they ARE so silly; so bombastic. If you ever do one again, throw in something from the speech in Boondock Saints, the speech they give when they kill someone. ), but I suspect it would have the opposite effect of what you’d like. You need me on that wall. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. I do wish that Warriors would have gotten in there. Latest News from. I chased off anyone who’s ever loved me. Use longer clips at the guy in the rain in V for Vendetta Minute or two if clarify. Definitely invokes strong earony clear idea regarding from this post could ’ ve served 40 years a. In here, and either, we ’ re not allowed to be to lead a surgical team you... Surely “ adores ” them for it more from… Featured, movies, more guys. Uh, well, and certainly not enough to make a Youtube video page an in... This rousing montage if you clarify your ideas and craft your messages think you amazing. Suggested that I was able Franklin said, ‘ a Republic madam… if ’... 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