You should provide a unique value for each checkbox's value prop (the default of true will not work when bound to an array) To pre-check any radios, set the v-model to the value(s) of the checks that you would like pre-selected. The most straightforward way I found isn't documented with Heroku, but can be found through a. Enjoyed this article? In this article, we’ll look at how to work with the Vuetify framework. Vuetify comes bootstrapped with support for Material Design Icons, Material Icons, Font Awesome 4 and Font Awesome 5. We do this by using JQuery’s attr () method. There is a checkbox option on each row allowing the user to select multiple rows at once to perform an action on them, like a bulk edit or delete or something. Fully customizable theme by using your existing Vuetify plugin. I have a group of checkboxes in my Vue + Vuetify project. Also, we can have multiple checkboxes that bind to the same value. … We’re using a combination of the :checked pseudo-class and the + adjacent sibling selector to say “when the checkbox is checked, find the