there is no way i could even try any salad. I turned it down because I wouldn't be able to see if there were peels under the snow and may therefore step on one. Back to fear of food having a lack of flavour or being white, I often tend to make my food so spicy that my stomach feels slightly on fire, but for some reason I like the feeling. the way i see it at the moment is, if i avoid the anxiety, i feel good. I actually LOVE to eat meat, but I don't like to see it raw, or smell raw meat. I love food and I love the taste of food, it doesn't have anything to do with that. I feel like I'm not normal at all. Sometimes, specific foods trigger a traumatic event in one's life, which could be the primary reason for avoidance," Roberts says. maybe im some kind of new superhuman that doesn't need all the normal nutrients that those less superior bodies need , or that in the near future all food will be tainted except for chicken or something . Comments. im 15 and hardly eat any foods. I am a hypnotherapist and have great success with the sessions also you may want to look into NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Even more effective and especially even faster. My mom is a therapist so I feel like if she has no solutions then who could. However, I still have a really hard time getting over trying "sauce X" or meat that's been marinated in "something" or pre-processed. I used to suck the juice from fruit but spit out the skin because I couldn't bring myself to swallow. I try to explain that the trying is the problem. I've never really though about what I have as a phobia until recently (Im 22), Ive been a "fussy eater" since i was bout 4. Its more of a texture thing I believe. The phobia doesn't bother me as this is what I'm use to. Food with a face is always a little disconcerting. I wish I liked more food but I don't like any type of sauce, condiment or dressing so I will not try any food that has that in it or touched that because I'll be able to taste it. question may be a feeling of revulsion rather than intense anxiety, although some. I'm curious about if there is a fear of eating in front of others, or a fear of different textures. I can't even explain the feelings of releif washing over me at reading all these comments! i get very embarrassed in social situations, comments get made to me at work with friends and family. Im 22 and i hardly eat any healthy foods at all. I don't even like pizza which drives everyone else crazy. I know one day I'll get over it (because I always do, I'm a tough kind of person actually. I haven't any idea what has started this fear of "nature's candy" - it's always been this way. I live on M&M's (I crave milk chocolate... not other kind of chocolate tastes good), scrambled eggs (only with cheese), eggo waffles (plain) and mashed potatoes. I can't look at them or smell them. It is also triggered by mere mention or sight of cobwebs. i hate the smell, the look, the way people eat it, just everything. When I eat meat I examine every bite to make sure there is no fat in the food I'm about to put in my mouth and it has to be well done. So I grew up on a few things, juice, pizza, toast and jacket potatoes and butter. We go back today for a second. After reading everyone's comments i am releaved to know there are other people out there like me. It's an overwhelming and bizarre form of fear. I am physically really fit and work out 4-5 times a week. I am going to start therapy tomorrow. Not wanting to undergo the pain I started trying to eat healthier - incorporating fruits first and slowly trying veggies and meats. All the phobia names on this list have been found in some reference book. Such and ketchup, mustard , mayo , relish , & things such as that. But I love salmon and tilapia. May 10, 2012. It seems weird to have a fish phobia, and I will not eat fish unless I am thoroughly convinced that it has been well cooked, not undercooked or overcooked or out in the sun. Below, you'll find 13 crazy food phobias that send some over the edge. It is literally a miracle. I'm 30 years old and have been slowly trying to taste new things and I am slowly getting there but I have a really hard time with condiments or sauces. i am phobic of french fries because i was on a medication that made me think that the lunch ladies at school were cooking mice with the french fries and that people were being incinerated in the school kitchen. i hate weddings because i never eat and feel like a retard. If you get this message, please contact me at, so we can compare notes. I'm so glad I found this page! I have a fruit phobia. So if you've spotted your coworker eating alone or heard they were recently ghosted by blind dinner date, think twice before confronting them. He would almost hyperventalate and continually say "I can't, i want to , but I can't" with hystarical tears. He also has had bites of other things for a first. One step on from the most hated food in the country, phobias are an actual fear of certain types of food. For a limited time, you can save 50 percent off the cover price—click here! Don't define yourselves by what you eat or don't eat. I know I'm not the only one with this fear and people always say that I'm "not alone" because a lot of people have anxiety. I always felt it was my fault and finding these posts helps so much. I have been trying to fix this for years and like everyone on here am struggling! At that point, my parents give up. i know as i do it to. The symptoms can be subtle or severe but they are often confused with mere dislike, a matter of habit or simply unnecessary fears. When I was a baby I was easily satisfied with foods of all sorts- but like any child I had tastes. What helped me was trying things in a comfortable, home setting. :-(, My almost 3 year old stoped eating when it was time to introduce solid foods. I spent months chasing fruit and veggies with water to get them down but now it's much easier. I'm so unbelievably relieved about what everyone else has said that I started crying while reading some of these, I really liked Sara's input on it. I sought help from Cincinnati Children's Hospital. It is the top 1 phobia of all the phobias. For years I thought she was just a "picky eater", doctors told me to force feed her, but NOTHING works! I realized for example that I could taste any vegetables or fruits, cereals and a bunch of "dry" things. I've heard of people who hated fruit as children and got over it, or simply don't like most fruits...but that's just not the same. Reading new foods to try can be exciting - avocado is another good veg (? I am struggling, especially as a teenager, to get adequate nutrition and help my peers and family understand what I feel when confronted with foods I 'dont like', which is translated as, 'wont eat'. Nothing else. Please don't ask me about curing phobias because I know little about them. i saw a hypnotherapist for 6 months and got very little results.I am 28 yrs old and basically i believe this is it for me and it will never change. He really couldn't understand that I wasn't trashing his food but that it's just hard for some of us to taste food. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, can look similar to a food phobia.Both can involve food … Tomato sauce is fine but not tomatoes themselves. Arguably a form of social anxiety, people with deipnophobia fear dining with others and conversing while eating. People with these types of phobias may experience more than one of the phobias within a group. Oh my God, I thougt I was the only person with this problem. Although it was encouraging to know there are others experiencing the same issues and that I'm not alone in this, I wish all of us could find a way to get over it. As for condiments it may be helpful to start reading ingredients and making your own dressings/sauces. I sit down at the table and just start breaking down. yes, ANY white food. A–Z List of Some of the More Common Phobias . Are you scared of something? Too spicy? It is the fear of food. Now I stop myself from trying nutty things for fear my throat will close and I will die. I am devoting my life to the upbring of my kids and I feel I am failing cause I can't get my son to eat. I'm very glad to hear that I'm not alone, though. I finally tried lemonaid, koolwhip and cantalope about 2 years ago and love them!!! As a baby she ate anything. if someone eats it in front of me or next to me i have to move away cause it makes me flinch back incase any touches me. i go to a date or restraunt and i eat my salad dressing plain or with lemon juice. underweight and I am very concerned at this point in time. But the eating will become an issue once I have kids myslef. He consumes less than 1000 cals a day and is losing weight at an alarming weight. Types of food phobias Not every food phobia is the same. i can eat peppers or chilis on pizza but only little bits and i can't stand the crunching feeling. I still feel sick to my stomach some times at the though of "trying" food or going to a restaurant that I never went to. He will not eat it all, just a few bites. "I'm sorry Mom". I graduated from college, and I moved to be an Au pair in Barcelona Spain.put yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to try food. i mainly eat hot chips and potato chips, cakes or biscuits. I can't say that I am underweight more opposite. I'm not even sure what in/about the food i'm actually afraid of. It is probably easier for me to explain what I DO eat as opposed to what I don't: Bacon, corn, potatoes, raw carrots, apples, oranges, grapes, pears. The Signs And Symptoms of Eating Disorders, Common Myths About Eating Disorders Debunked, Top Ten Worst Things to Say to Someone With an Eating Disorder, Celebrities with Eating Disorders - List and Pics. I have the same issue as everyone else here. i hate how everyone gets so excited about thanksgiving , i have grown to HATE it . That is a great guide, it must be terrible to have a phobia of food! I drive my husband crazy. I also don't like mushy vegetables, I prefer vegetables to always be crisp. I sincerely believe that a lot of my fears stems from my parents trying to force feed me when I was very young. To read a complete list of specific phobias, including those not related to food, visit the Phobia List, or to learn more about eating disorders in particular, please check out the links below: Vicar of Doncaster - School Choir lead on June 07, 2013: Hello there young Stephen and how art thou on this fine sunny day? He has seen medical professionals but none of them really seem to understand the severity of it. I guess my food phobia wasn't helped by the fact that, at school, you had to sit in the lunchroom until you'd eaten EVERYTHING on your plate & you weren't allowed to leave if you hadn't. I am so excited about the success rates that I am going to take my certificateion in NLP in 3 weeks actually. I eat less than most people but it's all the calories in the food I eat that's the problem, & I hate Takeaways. How are you even meant to eat??? Phobias run the gamut from a pretty common fear of heights (known a acrophobia) to something as vague as a fear of infinity (known as apeirophobia). It completely wiped me out :/. I have a specific kind of anxiety Emetophoia- Fear of vomiting. Food phobias fall under the diagnostic category of "specific phobias," which are irrational fears triggered by a particular environmental stimulus. This irritates me as my partner eats everything and its difficult to go out for dinner without arguing lol. I have always had a phobia of all condiments and sauces, excluding honey and cheese sauce. I was kind of releived (as I read the comments ) to learn that there are adults dealing with these issues, it means to me that my baby could make it to adulthood and try to seek help his own since his mother could not do it. its been a tough go , im 27 now and see no signs of change . Liz, I have the same fears about having food allergies and now I am afraid to eat pretty much anything other than crackers. does anyone know what the fear of salad dressing is? Sometimes I simply want to die! Much like those who are afraid of vegetables, those with fructophobia fear fruits. I do eat a couple things, I like a lot of breakfast foods. While not comprehensive, this phobia list offers a glimpse of the many phobias that can have a serious impact on a person's life. I literally grew up eating my bread, chips/other carbs and slowly acquired a taste for pizza/fried chicken. But it can become a crippling daily reality for these folks. It took me awhile to get over the 'bacteria' element but yogurt is good for you and trying brands like Activia that are smoother can be just like eating ice cream! Etc! photophobia). I have a very extreme case of the general phobia as described above by crystalie, candace, emaverick and jack. I can't go out to fast-food places because the smell makes me sick. But, I cannot bring myself to eat any food that has the texture of baby food or any sort of condiments. According to Wikipedia, a phobia is defined as: An irrational, persistent fear of certain situations, objects, activities, or persons. People that don't have this, don't get it. It's so hard to see everyone laughing and having a good time when I feel like I'm having a horrible time. i can't even bring myself to want to like them. My world is simple. now, I can't remember what made me try them in the first place!! I CANNOT stand to be anywhere near condiments. Its such a relief to know this problem exits. A meat-lover’s nightmare After all, seafood is one of our 20 Foods Most Likely to be Contaminated. If something smells sour, there's about no chance of me tasting it. but not raw. Only within the past year have I been able to semi-comfortably say the word "fruit" out loud. I can't walk past the fish counter in supermarkets & can smell it even if I'm far away from it. From there I progressed into not eating any meat at all except for really crispy bacon. Is it really a phobia? But no matter how many times people tell me this I'm still alone when it counts most. Im 13 years old and i have read these comments and im stunned. Well one day i just had enough of all the stupid excuses, missing out on social activities etc, that I started to think. I can't even really write about with out feeling a bit nauseous. If you're deathly afraid of the mold growing on your bathroom ceiling as much as you are of the cremini your roommate ordered on her pizza, you may have mycophobia. Eggs and cheese creep the hell out of me. taste just a little bit at first, it may help if you mix it with the food you can eat. How to love it: If you love fish but cringe at the idea of either cooking or removing the head, opt for fillets or ask the fishmonger to remove the head before you buy. Antony, i am exactly the same, to a tee! I have a fear of RAW meat, especially chicken...My friends and family think that's weird, but I eat chicken. before then i ate extremely healthy and ate everythingg but hamburgers. I miss loving and finding joy in food. Individuals with cibophobia may avoid situations where they don't have control over their meal choices (for example, avoiding restaurants)," says Rachel O'Neill, PhD, LPCC-S, and Talkspace Therapist. ), breaded cheese (mozarella sticks), crispy bacon, waffles, french toast, hashbrowns, french fries, and spaghetti/noodles with butter only. He likes the idea of a Hypmotist. take a little bit more still mixed. Sometimes, one can pet a tiger with ease, while at others, the mere thought of mushrooms on a plate or even eating with chopsticks can send shivers down your spine. There are so many things that I don't like to eat and am afraid to even try, it was very discouraging for him. glad i found this though . It is a type of anxiety disorder.A phobia is a persistent, excessive, unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal, activity, or situation. i hope someday i will get this fixed although i think it may take a while. The sad thing is that my mother is a psycho-therapist and she has not been able to help me get rid of this fear. Anyway, I was wondering if there is anyone else who has a supreme fear of white foods or is afraid of the lack of flavour in food?