Rosenthal adds The ethical problem raised by such approaches is that they give the potential subject no real choice; the initiative and momentum of the situation favour the filmmaker. Every film he releases, even every ushering of his name can’t be separated from Dylan Farrow’s open letter which reignited allegations of sexual abuse in 2014. They were identified in the movie as fraternity members from a South Carolina University, and appeared drunk as they made insulting comments about women and minorities to Cohen’s character. the movie (hereafter Borat! A renowned professor is forced to reassess her … decision-making. In order to regulate all parties, production companies operate from a code of ethics rather then a strict legal binding. He was used as a character for Da Ali G Show, a related satirical TV series starring Baron Cohen and featuring amongst others the title character Ali G and Borat. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This document is presented to and signed by the study subject. This raises interesting questions about the illusion of cinema, while faced with these styles of filmmaking, the audience is forced to confront the paradox of the truth claim in documentary cinema by mixing direct documentation 14, (fact direct cinema) and reenactment with characters playing themselves (fiction cinema vrit) in order to suggest that perhaps they are one in the same. He suggests a situational approach to ethics in documentary film which calls for flexibility and attention to the realities of documentary production (Winston, 2000, p.127). Law schools have ethics classes. The community in which the film was made would undoubtedly be affected by it and evangelism works best when it is done locally. She is a feminist, a vegetarian, and a huge fan of Taylor Swift who wears both short skirts AND t-shirts. The second point is that of competence. Michael Moores documentaries Roger and Me (1989) (still .05) and Bowling For Columbine (2002) are examples of modern cinema vrit. However with the content and consequences of the film, I’m undecided. Cinma vrit, which means “Truthful Cinema”, combines naturalistic techniques with stylized editing and camerawork. and form an argument around the mockumentary genre in relation to ethical dilemmas. The morality lies in how the subjects are represented. In their professional activities, filmmakers are required to act in a trustworthy, reputable and accountable manner towards clients (subjects) and the community. In Chapter Two, I address the ethical oversights on the part of the filmmakers and the careless treatment of their subjects. ( Log Out /  Though the issue is complex, the book Introduction to Documentary by Bill Nichols provides insight: “What to do with people? Like other ethics there is a certain code of conduct or standards to be followed, however ensuring that the ethics are complied with is often difficult. Do you ever get that sneaky suspicion that some articles have some underlying motives? A Code Of Ethics is essentially a set of guidelines that are designed to set out acceptable behaviours for members of a particular group, in this case filmmakers. The Ethics of Production. This argument explains with the use of examples, how the filmmaker has taken advantage of the subjects or in some cases used their likeness without proper informed consent(9.) This suggests that now, creator and creation are inextricably linked, especially when many choose to mould their characters around warped versions of themselves. Ethics are certainly the baseline of most documentary films given the content and the realism of these projects. Baron Cohen won the 2007 Golden Globe Award for Best Actor: Musical or Comedy, as Borat, while the film was nominated for Best Motion Picture in the same category. 24th Apr 2017 Directed by Mike Nichols. I choose specific examples, to address the intention behind the filmmakers conduct towards their subjects. Within the context of the film, the titular character Borat Sagdiyev is said to be from Kazakhstan. Filmmakers must constantly maintain and update their professional skills and ethical awareness.(20.) (.5) (still .01) Outtakes from Timothy Treadwell’s original video footage were later screened for the first time as part of the exclusive companion film. It is the responsibility of all involved in the project to present a truthful and sincere front from the start. As previously stated, these ethical codes have no legal bearing, but are relevant to all filmmakers when they engage with social actors for the purpose of making a cinema vrit or Direct Cinema film. Sure enough, just as fast issues were raised in each of the C’s. “Ethica... ... middle of paper ... ...hly successful child-entertainer, would obviously encounter future problems because of his association to his father and brother. Film Studies Media Laws and Ethics ki Class. In the TV and Film Industry there are many different laws that have been made up of contracts, ethics and legal rights. For so many this won’t be ‘just a film’ because what film innately is and inspires in audiences is incredibly powerful. aims to set an important precedent that the artistic vision and the use of comedy or social satire are crucial to the success of the mockumentary genre of filmmaking. Originating in the late 1950s, Direct Cinema was made possible by the advent of lighter, more portable cameras, which could be hand-held and operated with a very small crew.(16.) Informed Consent is typically a medico-legal term when referring to medical practice, it is a form signed by the patient (or in this case: subject) for the benefit of the surgeon (filmmaker) to perform treatment (filming). Modern Portrayals of Journalism in Film by Alexandra Milan — 47 an overall picture of how the media are being portrayed onscreen today, adding to the wealth of scholarship about media portrayals onscreen pre-2005. The sincere documentarian, such as Werner Herzog in Grizzly Man (2005) will edit any embarrassing, non-plot relevant or self-indulgent interviews before the point that the audience will laugh at the character. It is also popularly known as the Hays Code, after Will H. Hays, who was the president of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA) from 1922 to 1945. Reference this. was also nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay at the 79th Academy Awards. When considering the production of either a Cinema Vrit or Direct Cinema film, it is important to weight in the moral and ethical dilemmas that the filmmakers must deal with in relation to the subjects of the proposed film. We’re faced with these sort of questions more and more frequently. In the case of Borat! Artwork by Chloe Leeson. Precedents of ethical guidelines can only work to persuade the actions, so that each party is fully informed of the subject matter, representation and potential response of the subjects actions within the documentary which is done by acquiring informed consent. 28, As previously discussed in Chapter One, the Code Of Ethics acts as an ethical guideline for filmmakers, when it comes to such issues as garnering ethical consent or the valid use of likeness rights from a subject and the use of the public for the proposed project in a fair and informed manner. These agreements are in defiance of those who take the BSC Codes view (The BSC Code helps by providing a 22, framework of guidance into which, particular needs can be fitted,(34.) as being part of a tradition of exposing and critiquing these American bigotries through the use of humour, seeks to expose these attitudes in their most debased forms and present them to the world an. Another aspect of the ethical guidebook be to considered with in the role of cinema vrit or Direct Cinema filmmaking is the maxim known as The Golden Rule or Ethic Of Reciprocity that essentially states that One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (24.) On its release, Borat! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! My goal is ultimately to present both sides of the same argument and through doing so, construct a complete and informed judgment on the moral and social goals of the film, as a satire, which I will present in my conclusion. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (17.) It states that all characters were fictitious, and also noted that no real person depicted or appearing in the film has sponsored or otherwise endorsed its contents. Tagged as: american sniper, ashley woodvine, clint eastwood, ethics, Woody Allen. It’s not a compromise; it’s a lens. 17. Their value as players resides not in the way they play a part but in a way their everyday behavior serves the needs of the filmmaker. It brings viewers into the minds of mass murderers, illuminates a horrific piece of recent history that few know anything about, and could end up ushering in a new era in Indonesian politics and identity. (38.) While the Hays code revoked the 1st amendment rights of film makers, a code of ethics could help guide film makers in their decision in what to put on the screen and how they manage production in a way that helps film makers use their audiences as an ends and not just an ends to a means. (30.) These subjects remain culturally relevent players. Even some undergraduate colleges or universities mandate an ethics class-but for the most part; film schools have no ethics class. The 2006 film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Natio… Most likely to be found crying because somebody won on a gameshow. Alarmed by the reportage of its fictitious reporter, the government of Kazakhstan launched a massive public relations and diplomatic offensive, emphasizing its commitment to human rights and gender and 20, equality (27.) film as examples of how the filmmakers fail to respect the moral and ethical guidelines that inform other documentaries. in order to stay true to the artistic vision of the film. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Ethics and film? The villagers in the town of Glod feel they were specifically targeted and portrayed in a negative manner and the lawsuit was filed on behalf of their entire village and Mr. Todorache, a one-armed man, who was seen wearing a sex toy attached to his stump at the filmmakers request.(31.) However, one of the legal issues that comes up a lot in film law is whether it makes good business sense to set up separate production or investment entities for that particular production that will bear the responsibility for the variety of obligations that will be undertaken as part of the film project. If there is a recognizable, coherent ethics in fiction-film production, its terms are few and fuzzy. Term Paper on Ethics of Film Production it Assignment More specifically, in relation to copyrights, it can be noted that the owner of a certain piece of work (i.e. There’s a rising trend in refusing to watch something as to not support one of the (what I’ve deemed) three C’s in ethical ambiguity – creator, content and consequences. He states, any measure of dubious or even unethical behaviour is justified after the event by the existence of the contract signed by the participant, the release form (33.). In Relation To Acquiring Consent From The Subject. (28.) In particular, I have chosen to focus my study on one film of this style of filmmaking. Study for free with our range of university lectures! VAT Registration No: 842417633. Pre-Code Hollywood was the brief era in the American film industry between the widespread adoption of sound in pictures in 1929 and the enforcement of the Motion Picture Production Code censorship guidelines, popularly known as the "Hays Code", in mid-1934. Often the consent defiance could be defended where the subject was uncomplaining or even benefited from their experience. but rather used solely in namesake. Ethical justification of intellectual activity is important. Company Registration No: 4964706. I'm writing my dissertation on the sociology of sexism in films, and I was wondering how I go about the ethics form? a variety of SLAPP cases have been brought against the filmmakers. Production, whether it is for television, Internet or film has no standard code of ethics. Should the moral and ethical guidelines of documentary and mockumentary filmmaking be strictly adhered to if they impede on the overall artistic vision and message of the film? (39.) and the Maysles brothers’ Salesman (1969) (still .03)(15.) Scenes are sometimes staged and the camera is used to provoke subjects. Woody Allen attracts even more controversy as so many are quick to defend him, and even a ‘neutral’ view gives weight to the white male heavyweight of film’s persistent denial, causing us to question our moral instincts and think critically about what we want to defend in situations defined by uncertainty. The Russian film community is apparently divided on the necessity of the code of ethics. Cinma vrit involves stylized set-ups and interactions between the filmmakers and their subjects, even to the point of provocation, which in the case of Borat! We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. (still .04) (still .05) In recent years, these types of movies have often featured the filmmaker himself, as in the case of Borat! People are beginning to realise what it means to endorse something, carefully selecting what they support and what they condemn. Take Lena Dunham – do we let the controversy surrounding her whitewashed casting or the treatment of her sister bleed into Girls and Tiny Furniture? (still .06) Upon the release of the film the foreign ministry spokesman, Yerzhan Ashykbayev, told a news conference We view Mr. Cohens behaviour as utterly unacceptable, being a concoction of bad taste and ill manners which is completely incompatible with the ethics and civilized behavior of Kazakhstan people. The third point is responsibility. It is suggested that the use of specific tools and methods of filming will depend on each concrete situation. going so far as to release a four-page advertisement within the pages of The New York Times and to set-up presidential visits to the White House and 10 Downing Street. This is done by exposing the absurdity of their control, much like past great films such as Charlie Chaplins The Dictator (1940) and Stanley Kubricks Dr.Strangelove (1964 ) Within the first chapter of this thesis, I define and address the core elements of cinema vrit and compare and contrast it to that of Direct Cinema and sincere documentary filmmaking. I would argue that refusing to watch something because of who created it is justifiable, as your money will go straight back into continuing their career. When talking about the legal and ethical side of the TV and film industry you will need to… The Polish author of the blog Beatroot captured this well in a post on the Movania guidebook entitled Why is it that the only people liberals think its OK to laugh at these days are the white working class and Central and Eastern Europeans?(43.) documentary ethics. They shall avoid doing harm to clients and research participants, and act to prevent harm caused by others. I isolate and identify scenes and cases within the Borat! A list of movies with a script that poses an ethical or moral dilemma to the viewer. The 2006 film Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, often referred to simply as Borat! It’s no surprise really, when increasing numbers of Hollywood’s elite are revealed to be the human equivalent of trash. A mockumentary is essentially a parody of the documentary nature of filmmaking and is successful when the structure of a traditional documentary is exaggerated. However, it is important to also state that the subject must not have been put under any pressure (coercion) to sway their decision, and that they reached a decision based on their full comprehension of the situation. A mockumentary is essentially a “mock documentary”, a parody of the earnest nature of the documentary genre (3). BUSINESS AND ETHICS ISIGK Ethics of production:This area of business ethics deals with the duties of a company to ensurethat products and production processes do not cause harm. We even judge those who work with him, asking ourselves if they too are supporting the view that it’s ok to ignore such serious and abhorrent claim. he clearly started sliding towards pulling the piss out of more average citizens. Cynically, the consent form is simply a safeguard device or get-out-of-jail-free card, wheeled out by the filmmakers, against future lawsuits and liability. They are expected to treat their subjects in a fair, open and straightforward manner, honour professional commitments, and act to clarify any confusion about the subjects role or responsibilities. Borat! I show one side of the argument in the second chapter. Although legally the participants have agreed to signing the consent, under the plaintiffs testimonies, it would appear that the filmmakers had intentionally duped the college students into appearing in the film with full, informed consent and it is impossible to defend the subject matter and opinions that the subjects raised while drunk, however, the filmmakers should be held accountable for putting the fraturnity boys in that situation and for provoking the racist and sexist responses they got. A consent form is A document explaining all relevant study information to assist the study volunteer (subject) in understanding the expectations and requirements of participation in a (filming) clinical trial. They should recognize that the knowledge of their own expertise and capacity for work are limited, and take care not to exceed the limits. It is, in other words, fundamentally imbalanced. 585 Downloads; Abstract. However, as it states in the (SLAPP) Defendants special motion to strike complaint record. Alan Rosenthal author of New Challenges In Documentary (1988) writes Consent is flawed when obtained by the omission of any fact that might influence the giving or withholding of permission. More so than ever, the morality and ethics of individuals is up for scrutiny; one false move and you’re written off. Despite a limited initial release in the United States, the satire was a critical and commercial success. But behind them may be another, who is affected by the person standing in front of me. ‘Problematic’ has become the biggest buzzword of the new social media driven, social justice generation. She blogs at pacificdaylighttime and tweets at @heartswellss. OR one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative form which is also called The Silver Rule.) We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on and The Use Of Humour to Expose Social Stereotypes and Bigotries. The Ethics of Documentary Filmmaking ... Corra began making the film with Nicholson after meeting her at a film festival and agreeing to help her make a film before she died of cancer. What must also be considered is how attending to the ethics of filmmaking is the benefits that it holds for the filmmakers and the audience. An objection to the Golden Rule is highlighted by Paul Treanor on his website, as he implies That I should transfer my perspective to the person affected, the one standing in front of me who will be affected by my action. 15, The Code primarily consists of four overall ethical principles, Respect, Competence, Responsibility and Integrity. For the basis of my second and third chapters, I take the case study of Borat! This Hollywood Reporter Roundtable of 2014’s most prominent directors, The limit of greatness: Whiplash and abuse in art, [NEEDLE DROP] “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen in ‘Watchmen’, ‘The Sinners’ is a Coming of Age Tale Soaked in Sin, ‘Hunted’ Takes Little Red Riding Hood Into the 21st Century, ‘Shadow in the Cloud’ Director Roseanne Liang on Imperfect Main Characters and Premiering Her Film at TIFF 2020, Fear in His Eyes: Travis Bickle as the Voice of an Uneasy Conscience in ‘Taxi Driver’. The filmmakers had knowingly overlooked the ramifications of the subjects actions on their lives after the films release and are guilty of negligent infliction of emotional distress. At the heart of documentary production is the relationship between filmmaker and subjects--not often an equal balance of power. As a student, I grumbled about reading case law and decades-old ethical case studies when I’d much rather be running around with a crew and a camera. The Theory Of General Ethics Relating To cinema vrit And Direct Cinema In Modern Film Making. She loves a lot of  things, mostly Breaking Bad and history. The presence of the film crew with official sanction is subtly coercive(32.). There is a mix of film genres, and different sorts of philosophical questions related to our daily life to ponder about. (37.) This Hollywood Reporter Roundtable of 2014’s most prominent directors makes for interesting viewing – when the question of the ethics of direction is raised, an awkwardness is clearly evident. For example, the first section of the code talks about showing murder and crimes. Change ). But as Richard Andrew Hall states Did Baron Cohen really have to cross the pond to find such disturbing stereotypes?(35.) The Motion Picture Production Code was a set of industry guidelines for the self-censorship of content that was applied to most United States motion pictures released by major studios from 1934 to 1968. You’d think they’d be more concerned with the ethical message they’re promoting and profiting off, but it seems to be testy waters. It performs the raw act of filming real people and events in a confrontational and sometimes absurd way. (13.) Young girls become gradually self educated in feminist theory through sites like Tumblr and Twitter where issues of oppression can be self contained in hashtags, sparking debate in new and old media alike. In one particular scene from Borat!, we see the titular character at a rodeo in Texas, performing a song directed towards Jewish people entitled In my country there is a problem that called on people to throw the Jew down the well, warning the public you must be careful of his teeth and that you must grab him by his horns to the delight of some members of the audience (still .07). If the participant is fully aware of possible consequences and sees co-operation as a coherent political strategy, then the burden of the ethical dilemma has been lifted from the film-maker by the participant for his or her own ideological reasons. (23.) Where possible, they shall avoid the use of deception with research participants. Ethics are important, because they give people a shared basis of understanding in relation to the concepts of right and wrong. Ethics in production is a subset of business ethic that is meant to ensure that the production function or activities are not damaging to the consumer or the society. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! They create production companies that they do business under. They shall take action against harmful or unethical behaviour in colleagues or members of other professions.(22.) Richard Andrew Hall states … Baron Cohen heavily concentrated on the genuinely powerful, whether celebrities or those with money and power, but in Borat! This encounter, then, which is created by film—whether via filmmaking/production or spectatorship/reception—is ethical because it creates a dynamic between the various parties involved (and duty of care, however amorphous or hollow) that is rooted in their different positions of power and privilege. Whereas, the mockumentary filmmaker will intentionally leave these embarrassing edits in the finished film for comic effect. The camera is obviously apparent and always acknowledged. -- Rushworth M. Kidder, How Good People Make Tough Choices At the end of the film, it seems that in the case of Borat! Where the chain of ethical consequences ends is a grey area. Within the context of mockumentary filmmaking, much like that of sincere documentaranians, the public are treated as social actors rather then fiction film performers. (2.) (1) It was written, produced by, and stars the English comedian Sacha Baron Cohen in the title role of a fictitious Kazakh journalist traveling through the United States, recording real-life interactions with Americans. Woody Allen has almost become a case study for this moral dilemma. Direct Cinema is essentially what is now called a fly on the wall documentary. I also address the resulting effect on the subject. This will prove that the actions of the filmmakers, although morally unethical, were still legal and artistically relevant. Developing ethically informed advice and best practices to guide digital humanities production is one of the most important activities in the field. Most filmmakers and producers do not do business individually. So provided that those being filmed give their consent, where is the unethical behaviour? ( Log Out /  Mockumentary filmmaking is made under much of the same genre rules as that of Cinema Vrit. Filmmakers are obliged to be honest and accurate about their intentions, the effectiveness of the services that they offer, and their research findings. Because this thesis is about mockumentary filmmaking it will first help to establish the ethical foundations for the circles of filmmakers and other professionals working in this genre. Ashley is a passive aggressive 16 year old from Norwich. The vast effects that the documentary could have on the lives of the subjects should be taken into account and not just betted against the contract. It mostly states that film makers should not go into any sort of detail on either subject, but let’s face it, plenty of movies do. Not only that, but most film makers don’t want to. Of course we want assurances that no animals or, for that matter, human critters were harmed during shooting. Behind them may be another, who is affected by it and evangelism works best when it is unethical. As a licence to knowingly take advantage of the code is very unattainable it seems that the... 1962 ) and Wales coverage since 2003, your UKEssays purchase is secure and we 're here to answer questions. Biggest buzzword of the new social media driven, social justice generation ) there are many different laws that been! Specific examples, to address the intention behind the filmmakers fail to respect moral... 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