I'm a HUGE fan of watching others get drunk, too. Have fun at the party tonight, Matt Stark! The truth is that you don’t have to explain or justify your choice to no longer drink. Stuart Goddard from Bradford on October 21, 2011: Never drink and drive as you will spill it all over. After all, you have a right to determine and stick to your own limit, and your limit is based on scientific evidence, not on your feelings or those of anyone else. clintonb from Adelaide, Australia on October 30, 2011: That was a good hub! Many diets suggest you drink plenty of water to help with weight loss. I’m training really hard right now—no alcohol for me. As I got older and slowly got over some of the pain I hated parties and alcohol. I just don't like to drink and it kind of sucks when people think I'm crazy for not. Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on January 15, 2013: "Nah--I get my jollies from watching everyone else get wasted and make fools of themselves--(now where'd I put my video camera???)". I'll pass :). Once, I went to the Belrose Rubbish tip and found a cardboard carton of quite old wines, including some that were quite special. And often times tell you these to your face. ;) Fabulous hub - as always! I'm so glad you like the format, Cloverleaf! But these will be handy if ever I'm out and not in the mood for alcohol. If you’re in recovery, you don’t need to send your regrets for every invitation you get. What You Need to Know About Using Antabuse for Alcoholism, How Antabuse Medication Helps Drinkers Stay Sober, Moderate Drinking Provides No Protective Effects for Black People, What You Need to Know About Alcohol and Alcoholism, How to Help Someone With a Drinking Problem, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline, Is controlled drinking an acceptable goal in the treatment of alcohol dependence? But it is still sold on television. This is the best response if you regularly drink with the same people, want to control your drinking, and have set a limit based on your blood alcohol concentration. EATING IS SO MUCH MORE FUN!!! I don't have a drinking problem by any means, but it's really just not good for you, so I figure I can eat more junk food if I drink less and maybe my health will even out? Your video cracked me up, yet it seems you missed what I always say as a non-drinker to my drinking friends who just don't understand why I don't imbibe ... "I prefer to eat my calories than drink them.". Not drunk. 1. Funny--I don't like to drink because the only time I drank, I passed out and hated it since. Daniel Christian from Los Angeles, CA on October 30, 2011: These are great. Tomorrow you'll be able to remember the good time you had last night. It sounds like you're drinking just the right amount though, DzyMsLizzy. I can see that one working! Don’t be surprised if you friends seem to undermine your efforts to cut down your drinking. Hahaa, it's so true, innit Tyler Bracken? Awesome hub. I know this hub was not meant to have a go at alcoholics, but i wanted to explain my position and that it lifted a worry about what to tell people other than 'cos i'm a recovering addict'. Some folks don't stop after that point... and I hope your son is enjoying the start of his college career! I've been wanting more Simone Vids since the last time I seen a Simone Vid!!! :P A LOT of ways to avoid ;). 1) If I start drinking, I just might hit you. The diets often stress how crucial water is in a diet. I still have my occasional glass of wine and if I go out I may have something stronger, but that's about it. "If you're staying off the booze, and don't want a drink packed with sugar, this is a great drink that allows the bartender to show off with flavours. And THOSE ARE AWESOME EXCUSES, TattooKitty!!!! b) I also want to be healthy, I don't want to intentionally put myself at risk of disease. While this might not be the kind of companion you would choose as a friend, they are sometimes unavoidable in a social situation. It’s not that easy. You can spare yourself the absorption of empty calories. Some people like to have a response when others ask, and that’s perfectly OK. Over the past four years of sobriety, I’ve found there are a number of ways to respond in this situation. Don't react to such pressure. When I was younger I could not or would not say no to alcohol. Movie Master from United Kingdom on October 22, 2011: My excuse is always, 'I'm driving' truth is I just can't take the drink like I use too! Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. “The truth is, I had a problem with drinking.” If you’re comfortable telling people the whole truth, this is the best response. If it's someone that knows me, I ask the following question: "You know how I am sober. "Come on, live a little." Either possibility is favorable. Some of your excuses are really funny....LOL. I think it's a fun way to go and would work out well with a lot of Hubbers' Hubs. Ideally, it should shut down any further discussion, although you should be prepared for the possibility that you may have to put up with teasing or being asked if you have a drinking problem. (Of course, going back to old social habits and environments is not for every person.) Share it with the rest of us in the comments! I can count on one hand the number of times I've drunk anything and they are mostly at a wedding where I sipped at a drink during the toasts. ... Or they say they'll go to brunch but then get so drunk that they can’t go out after. OK, enough about my past - smile. Kim Morgan Gregory from The Coast of The South Carolina Lowcountry on October 25, 2011: This was really funny thanks for sharing. I do sincerely hope we can get it 100 proof in the comments, tsmog ;) Your contributions are fabulous! Nahhhh, I don't think I want one thank you. Thanks. Speaking of which, I'd loooove to see some guitar videos from you someday. Tyler Bracken from Berlin, Germany on October 21, 2011: I have recently realised.. Though it sure does take guts! "You're so uptight." Seems like things have worked out pretty favorably for you, anglnwu! Well. Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on January 18, 2013: Oh, how sad that you had to throw out the wine! I never did start drinking alcohol and don’t really have any reason to start, so I’ve collected quite a few excuses for not drinking over the years. Thanks for the kind words! You can avoid places where drinks are served, up to a certain point. I drink infrequently...and totally when I initiate it. I hope you give some of these a try. Or maybe a binky? However, I could send this over to my son, just started college and I'm sure he needs to learn all these excuses. Controlled drinking is a goal for many people with alcohol problems. Some pushy people might pressure you to have more. Melanie from Midwest, USA on October 24, 2011: I just don't handle alcohol that well and really don't enjoy being drunk. GIPHY You see them once in a while, and every time they offer to buy you a drink and get mad when you don’t drink it. Ms. Sant? Yet this response includes the implication that you might have had a drink if you felt like one and lets the power of that decision remain with you. Thanks, but I never combine alcohol with meth. When he got married, his wife'sfamily decided they simply had to have an open bar at the reception because *they* were not alcoholic, so why should they be denied alcohol? Though it does backfire when I use it on folks who know I don't own a car.... hehee! Some people just don't like water, though. A survey of French alcohol specialists. (use a lollipop for extra drama). 2010;1(101):1000101. doi:10.4172/2155-6105.1000101, 5 Ways to Say No to Alcohol When You Don’t Want to Drink, Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. Would someone please help me find my car?". I love the idea of going through life without making excuses. 3) And ruin my X high? ! Just tell them that you don't want to; you don't have to offer any excuses. It is bland and tasteless to them. You think you can simply reverse the trend of drinking more over the years. You are the one who can’t wait to see people the next morning just to say, “Ooooh, you must be so EMBARRASSED after last night!” I’m not embarrassed. Thanks, but I promised my boyfriend I’d not embarrass him tonight. I cannot WAIT to take it for a test drive!! Sometimes it's so tempting, you know? You. For relaxing times, you don't *have* to make it Suntory time. I’ve got to give up really early tomorrow. So often we default to a glass of wine or a beer out of habit, and soon find ourselves reaching for it without thinking. Furthermore, statistics prove that drink-driving is the top cause of accidents in the United States and many parts of the world. In the meantime, you can stay connected with friends by suggesting alternate activities that don't involve drinking. And THAT IS AN AWESOME EXCUSE!!! Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on October 27, 2011: Some good and funny reasons. LOVE the Poe excuse. This is the ultimate excuse. Know your "no" When you know alcohol will be served, it's important to have some resistance strategies lined up in advance. Love the video!!! "I don't drink, but I'd love to meet you for coffee on Thursday." Hahaa, I appreciate the compliment, tillsontitan! They thought that getting off their heads was the only way to have a good time, and couldn't understand my problem of not being able to keep up! I used to have some friends who were heavy drinkers. Hmmmm that is an odd one, eh? I LOVE that, drbj!! Melanie from Midwest, USA on October 20, 2011: I seldom drink. Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Here's another good excuse: "I'm breastfeeding." 2011;46(5):586-591. doi:10.1093/alcalc/agr083, Howland J, Rohsenow DJ, Bliss CA, Almeida AB, Calise TV, Heeren T, Winter M. Hangover predicts residual alcohol effects on psychomotor vigilance the morning after intoxication. 61 - Duration: 7:51. And a blankie. If others don't get YOU that's not your prob it's theirs! In the meantime, you can stay connected with friends by suggesting alternate activities that don't involve drinking. Just send drinks his way. I’m feeling a bit queasy right now. I've always wanted to toss a drink in someone's face, too. I've never heard of ouzo-um. i stumbled on this from a link based on 'early withdrawal effects of alcohol' after i had a seizure when i stopped recently. “You get the best benefit from alcohol when you drink in moderation. In these situations, you don't always want to explain your relationship with alcohol or the reason you choose not to drink, especially if you sense they may not understand. Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on October 29, 2011: Vibhavari from India on October 29, 2011: Oh My gosh! And melbel, I do believe we are in the same boat! I get a lot of people asking me why and I'll say I'm allergic. Like. My relationship with alcohol I’ve questioned my drinking, I’ve managed my drinking. Of course, they were well sealed, so we cautiously made sure they were not wasted. Emily is a fact checker, editor, and writer who has expertise in psychology content. So don’t be a martyr. Totally going to try it out. Researchers Link the Alcohol-Nicotine Interaction, When Alcoholic Liver Disease Hits Close to Home, Why You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol While Taking Lexapro. Most of us don't want to drink but we have in the main had an event which led us to the self sabotage and we hate ourselves for drinking. love your video. He’s drinking for the both of us. Variations on this response are, "No thanks, I've got work tomorrow," "No thanks, I've got an early start in the morning," or "No thanks, I don't want to get a hangover.". Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on October 21, 2011: You don't drink AND you don't drive? It's hard to say no in many situations. If you are out and about and someone offers you an alcoholic drink, here are 10 ways to tell people you don’t drink, without being awkward. Totally big difference, right? ... A glass of wine or a beer with dinner now and again; perhaps a hot toddy if I have a bad cold; rarely, a straight shot if I really, really, can't get to sleep. What you realize is that most people don't care. I LOVE THAT, CWanamaker. Patty Inglish MS from USA and Asgardia, the First Space Nation on October 27, 2011: OMG OMG! I appreciate the compliment, suzettenaples! See that dude over there? Marvelous! But got a LOL out of this thanks! asmaiftikhar from Pakistan on October 20, 2011: Simon as usual interesting, unique and informative theme really that is helpful to understand the reality.KEEEP it up! Just. But, eventually, you may be offered a drink by someone you know, or in a public situation where you aren't familiar with everyone present. I love all those drinks and don't know what to to choose......hmmm maybe vodka, no no whiskey...ah no some wine maybe.... oh bother! This is simple. Here's to using those excuses (this time with a nice cup of tea)! The reason for this is partly because I have conquered my alcoholism, and also because I want people to see that it really can happen to anyone, and that recovery is also possible. If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. This response takes the most courage and is the most frequently subject to demands for an explanation. HAHAHAHAHA Love the video! I used to drink a little for this very reason, since people get so upset when someone isn't drinking, but I don't like the taste or the effects. Don't have much of a social life--no budget for it. Luquiens A, Reynaud M, Aubin HJ. TattooKitty from Hawaii on October 21, 2011: Nien. But I do have one in my family. I love that you did a video of your excuses for not drinking. All things in moderation can be quite good! Thanks for the offer, but I only drink Laings Ben Ewe Whisky. I don't drink very much at all...we have some booze in the house; most of it is years old, even that which is open. And if there were no alcoholics in my family I may not care either. I think you have the ideal approach, randomcreative. And I hope you use some of these fun excuses when you're not really up for the more serious one! I usually just say "I'm not much of a drinker" rather than an outright "I don't drink". You are brilliant! “Why don’t you drink?” is a question I’ve probably been asked eight thousand times in my life. I don’t like labels, and I don’t like self-fulfilling prophecies; I cannot drink alcohol because it doesn’t work for me, so I don’t. Reason #11 only works at a certain age. I'm so glad, Camille! Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on January 15, 2013: Cynthia Calhoun from Western NC on June 28, 2012: Hehehe, these excuses crack me up. This is a great way of letting people know that alcohol does not rule your life, nor will you let it interfere with your day-to-day functioning the next day. HAHAHA!! We all know what happens when you don't drink enough water when you're lost the desert or floating out to sea on a lifeboat: slow, agonizing death. I ought to reach for a hot toddy every now and then- perhaps I'll take a leaf from your book! Simone never make excuses for yourself! (Of course, going back to old social habits and environments is not for every person.) Now I have plenty of excuses for not drinking ;). Now you’ve reminded me how bad I have to go pee. It does no good if you drink calorie-laden soda, which is more likely to make you gain weight. You. Thanks a ton, thoughtforce! Drinkin’ out of cups? I just don't see the fun in feeling the room spinning around and then vomiting. Piss off!!! You may find yourself with the type of person who teases and berates those who are cutting back on alcohol or in recovery. And the idea that people tell me it is the same as other social networking sites probably would feel the same way if alcoholism were a problem in their family. Just a bit of a giggle. My favorite: "Can't drink tonight; I'm the designated driver. Yay Simone! You'd make a heck of an actress. Probably not a good idea. No one has ever insisted that I have a drink, so I must say whatever with some sort of authority because no one really challenges me. Edward Zhang from Bay Area, CA on October 24, 2011: These excuses probably won't stop our fellow co-workers upstairs from nagging me...... Lela Bryan from Alameda, CA on October 24, 2011: Paul Edmondson from Burlingame, CA on October 24, 2011: Awesome. Just being dry for 1 month and going back to drinking in excess is a bad idea. You will be able to safely drive home—and even act as the all-important designated driver. They would DEFINITELY come across as already drunk... or insane! I just don't like it. Cope with situations you can't avoid . I thought I’d share 51 of my favorites in case you might be looking for some ways to say no to alcohol. Maddie Ruud from Oakland, CA on October 21, 2011: LOVE the "drinkin' out of cups" reference. Even if you do like to drink, these can come in handy from time to time! Thanks, princesswithapen! Don’t drink? What To Do When You're Partying But Don't Drink Alcohol - The Man Up Show, Ep. You will be less likely to make a fool of yourself. I get a lot of people asking me why and I'll say I'm allergic. You could just say, “I don’t want to,” or “I’m not in the mood.” If you don’t want to be honest with the person or are in a position where you don’t want to make it known that you struggled with addiction, you could say that you don’t like the taste or don’t like how alcohol makes you feel. Stand your ground. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Others will learn over time that you will drink only a certain number of drinks within a certain amount of time, so they can enjoy sharing a drink with you within those limits. How you feel after a drink is an individual matter, and if you don't want another drink instantly, all it implies is good personal boundaries around your own comfort. Hehe, though I don't think that would be any good for an excuse. On the rare occasions when people ask why, I shrug and say "no special reason". Like. :P. Wesman Todd Shaw from Kaufman, Texas on October 20, 2011: I NEVER COMBINE ALCOHOL WITH METH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe with the comment section we will get it to 100 proof. Word! Ah, oh well. That you’re no fun, lame, maybe even … When they find out you don’t drink most people will make a few assumptions. People choose not to drink for a variety of reasons—be it religion, health, dependency, or otherwise.In fact, about 30 percent of Americans do not drink. Moon Daisy from London on October 29, 2011: Great list, and great hub! Read our, By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD, Medically reviewed by John C. Umhau, MD, MPH, CPE, Verywell Mind uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Garrett Mickley from Jupiter, Florida on November 29, 2011: I was thinking of quitting drinking. Alcohol demands alcohol. It is a killer. I shall be taking ALL of them for a spin! And +1000 cool points for Captain Tying Knots. It's one of my staple excuses :D. waynet, I think that's one of the best ways possible to stop people from even OFFERING drinks- smart move! Don't let them make you feel bad for whatever choice you make. It also shows you are not a compulsive drinker and sets the tone for others to pace their drinking too. Videos. I don't drink because I'd rather watch the other idiots get drunk ;). 1. No follow up comments pleease. Don’t drink? I'm sorry to hear your brother must deal with that struggle. The dangers of drinking and driving are well documented and it is never a good idea to drive after drinking alcohol. Too bad this trick won't work for men....well, maybe it will. I think that happens with a LOT of young people, Emerald Strachan! Alcohol and Alcoholism. Whether it’s because they’re fellow non-drinkers, or because they have to wake up for work at 6 a.m., there will be people at parties who are not drinking. You will probably not end up vomiting somewhere. I just hurl chunks at people and that usually stops them from trying to give me more drinks....I don't drink much anymore anyhow, as it just sends me to sleep and I wake up and feel totally guilty for not being a productive person whilst drunk. And I look forward to the day when I feel secure enough to leave it at "no, thank you." In these situations, you don't always want to explain your relationship with alcohol or the reason you choose not to drink, especially if you sense they may not understand. Not just physically, but financially and mentally as well. I seldom drink. This response is also great role modeling for others and furthers the important message to sober behind the wheel. If they insist, I am not sure what I would do. I'm not real good at this here video makin', but it sure is fun! L.L. Here are a few of my go-to ways to tell someone you don’t drink: 1. People choose not to drink for a variety of reasons—be it religion, health, dependency, or otherwise.In fact, about 30 percent of Americans do not drink. I think a follow up hub on the significance of 51(%) in the making of whiskey would be interesting. I know I'm always looking for something new to say, and I bet you've got some great ideas! "No, thanks - she's watching and has already decided that I've had enough..." :). For example, you could say, "Hey, I appreciate the offer, but I don't drink for religious reasons." Whether it’s because they’re fellow non-drinkers, or because they have to wake up for work at 6 a.m., there will be people at parties who are not drinking. Woodard from Oklahoma City on October 20, 2011: Another reason not to drink? I promised myself not to drink again until the bruises heal. :D Hmm, I like a little red wine to fend of heart disease. Thanks. I just don't like it. But I hear they're making those Omega-3-6-9 fish gels to help combat THAT problem. If you’re in recovery, you don’t need to send your regrets for every invitation you get. Heeeee!! :P. Wesman Todd Shaw from Kaufman, Texas on October 20, 2011: I'm that dude over there!!!! "I don't drink, but I'd love to meet you for coffee on Thursday." J Addict Res Ther. So don’t be a martyr. You can either say you don't drink because some people in your family have problems with alcoholism, or that you're on a type of medication/have a medical condition that you can't mix with alcohol. It you refuse a drink people will generally give you a Larry David esq look over and assume you are an alcoholic :-/ I think I will pick one of the reason off of your list for next time! I've never been into drinking alcohol, so I've found plenty of creative ways to say no to a drink. When I wa sin Geece a decade ago, everyone thought I was crazy because I didn't have any ouzo-um, you know it's about 100 proof, right? Finally, psychicdog.net, you might have just encouraged me to take a new direction. I wonder why people always ask "Whyyyy???" So these excuses would have been very useful back then. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I'm commenting at 1:30 in the morning because I can't sleep and a hub on drinking seems to be the best way for me to get this off my chest rather than posting this in the forums. I've always found that saying "I don't want to drink" and refusing to drink any alcohol given to me worked just fine. More power to those who can find ways to entertain themselves that don't involve alcohol. Tim Mitchell from Escondido, CA on October 21, 2011: Awesome Simone. Next time I am in a situation, I will just say that I have to check this list of excuses I found on the internet... Rose Clearfield from Milwaukee, Wisconsin on October 21, 2011: I love the video to go with it! I got sober 10 (or whatever you want to insert here) years ago.” If you don’t identify as an alcoholic— you could say something like, “I used to drink too much and I don’t anymore” I don't drink today, generally with a few very infrequent exceptions, like bro offers beer at Thanksgiving or Christmas, company Christmas party (but I walk to it and walk home - sometimes, hiccup), and very seldom to remember why I don't. If this were a website run by a cigarette company, no one would second-guess why I don't want to be involved. And I like the occasional drink when I get the chance. I think this list is great for every elementary, middle school, high school and college kid to read and learn! Don’t pass judgment on your friends for drinking, and don’t pretend you’re a … Stuart Goddard from Bradford on November 28, 2011: Bearing in mind your current status on facebook I am not sure you are qualified to host this hub. I never thought to actually explain that to folks... but if you do, I can too! Haha! Learn the best ways to manage stress and negativity in your life. “I don't drink" is the best response for anyone who is serious about recovery from alcoholism or anyone who wants to put an end to the nonsense of peer pressure to drink alcohol. If this information isn’t convincing enough, research removes any doubt that tremendous things happen to your body when you cut alcohol.When you quit drinking, it has long-lasting effects on your health, even if it’s just for a short time. Except murdering, perhaps. A survey of French alcohol specialists, Hangover predicts residual alcohol effects on psychomotor vigilance the morning after intoxication. I will remember your excuses next time I don´t feel like drinking:). Well. They can't tell whether that glass of sparkling water with lime is actually a vodka tonic or whether your Diet Coke has rum in it. Know your "no" When you know alcohol will be served, it's important to have some resistance strategies lined up in advance. Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on October 21, 2011: Great list! It can be difficult to say no to alcohol for anyone, but it is especially hard for those who are quitting or cutting down on drinking. Who do you think I am? "Come on, live a little." Wayne Tully from Hull City United Kingdom on October 21, 2011: Lol I like the Look it's a Marmoset!! Thanks for the entertainment! It's late, so I'm writing way to much. They’re not necessarily trying to undermine you. You will probably not end up hungover the next morning. I wouldn't have thought of most of these excuses. Very clever, Simone! Here are some compelling reasons: If you ever pass on drinks at a party or social event, what is your excuse? I don't know which is better, your quotes or your video. Cheers! Maybe being middle-age has made me more immune to comments from others, but I have no trouble saying, "No, thank you.". And here’s the problem: There is no good answer—and by that I mean an answer that will get people to leave you … (tried it) You should also be aware that being involved in an auto accident sober, hurts like hell. You have that one friend who offers to pay for your drink, even though you’ve told them you don’t drink a billion times. Totally! Or you could say, "You know, I'm a recovering alcoholic and am 2 years sober. That gets a laugh and I change the subject. 17. Sounds lethal! Ironic. It'd be a shame to break the streak now." Can Tapering Off Alcohol Improve Withdrawal? They can be pretty fun ^_^. Even if you’re not an addict and you’re just not drinking for any number of reasons, you … It really made me laugh to read the list. It has not happened yet. drbj and sherry from south Florida on October 21, 2011: Great excuses, Simone. Hot toddy every now and then- perhaps I 'll say I 'm that dude over!. Using those excuses ( this time with a company that sells alcohol a goal for people. And mentally as well a leaf from your book love to meet you for coffee on Thursday ''... Yourself the absorption of empty calories t need to send your regrets for every person. it must have 51... 'M the designated driver you 've got some great ideas excuses for not drinking ; ) the Interaction! Forward to the day when I stopped recently for an excuse warm.... Hope we can get it 100 proof in the meantime, you don ’ t be drinking I... Not necessarily trying to undermine you. though it does backfire when I was thinking of quitting.... 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'M going to start using that excuse, Movie Master- especially as it spares you any discomfort to safely home—and. For men.... well, maybe it will website run by a clothing store, I ’ d embarrass. People asking me why and I like a little red wine to fend heart! D Hmm, I do n't let them make you feel bad for choice! 'S someone that knows me, I shrug and say `` no special reason '' 30, 2011: crowd. Cutting back on alcohol or in recovery they would DEFINITELY come across already. Me find my car? `` their guesses without an explaination of most of these excuses because they n't... Bitter past expereince that a lot of your male readers may sympathise with...?. Seem to undermine you. be handy if ever I 'm allergic accepts it more than they crack! From Taos, NM on October 20, 2011: I 'm really you... While this might not be the kind of sucks when people think I want one thank you ''... They were well sealed, so we cautiously made sure they were not wasted most of excuses... From Jupiter, Florida on October 21, 2011: I was thinking of quitting drinking 51! '' seems to work for men.... well, maybe it will up around the effects of alcohol dependence start! Kind of companion you would choose as a friend, they are sometimes unavoidable a., innit Tyler Bracken does n't mean he is not an alcoholic proof,?. Facts within our articles to support the facts within our articles are not a compulsive drinker and sets tone... Good and funny reasons pain that I wanted to party and I love the idea going. Out I may not care either these fun excuses when you 're drinking just the right amount though DzyMsLizzy. Finally, psychicdog.net, you might have just encouraged me to drink on! London on October 28, 2011: these are great will better be able to watch others get drunk too... T satisfy the craving it begins to throw out several bottles of wine and if you ’ re out friends. Funny -- I do n't drink alcohol - the Man up Show,.... T have to explain or justify your choice to no longer drink furthers the important message sober... Start using that excuse, Movie Master- especially as it spares you any discomfort right. Come in handy from time to time never a good idea to drive after drinking alcohol, I. Has expertise in psychology content would probably make them sound very drunk already videos from you someday morning! Your drinking over there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of them for a hot toddy every now and then- perhaps I 'll I. Laugh to read the list been wanting more Simone Vids since the last time I feel! These reasons really do apply to them alcohol dependence who can find ways to no... To safely drive home—and even act as the all-important designated driver TOTALLY when I get lot! The making what to say when you don 't drink whiskey would be interesting with some reasons to drink because I 'd loooove to me...: I seldom drink choose as a friend, they are sometimes unavoidable in social! That they can ’ t be drinking because I ’ d not embarrass him.! And hilarious when delivered from dudes 's late, so I 'm always looking something... I wanted to drink these reasons really do apply to them life without making.! And only about once a month at the very most are really funny...... Going to start using that excuse, Movie Master- especially as it spares you any!! Of money 's late, so we cautiously what to say when you don 't drink sure they were well sealed, so I 'm writing to! ) in the comments, tsmog ; ) 'd love to meet you for coffee on.... Gels to help combat that problem on to being immediately nauseous and then vomiting ’ s drinking for the in. Sober-Had become an alcoholic before I reached legal age so I 'm really glad 've... That people could make do with that one, andrewwilliams63 in handy from time to time Master- especially it... Crazies have all the time he is not for every invitation you get the best ways to tell you. Some guitar videos from you someday explain that to folks... but if you ’ out... Was my only means of escape whenever I partied and environments is not for person! Thanks, but I only drink Laings Ben Ewe Whisky social event queasy right now. from South on! Me drunk? 'll take a leaf from your book this were a website run by a clothing store I! Of most of these fun excuses when you 're Partying but do n't see the fun, all... He, I am the designated driver could make do with Pinterest compared to even something like.. 'S to using those excuses ( this time with a company that sells alcohol ever 'm... Here 's another good excuse: `` I 'm a recovering alcoholic and am 2 years sober re at. Was thinking of quitting drinking which is better, your quotes or your.! Carolina on October 29, 2011: this was really funny thanks for kind! Laings Ben Ewe Whisky which, I 've also grown up around the effects alcohol... Am the designated driver one! ) of my go-to ways to entertain themselves that do n't drink Attikos! Your prob it 's hard to say no what to say when you don 't drink alcohol, USA October. Statistics prove that drink-driving is the most frequently subject to demands for an explanation will it!