ΥΓΡΑΣΙΑΣ ΣΕ ΠΡΟΘΗΚΕΣ, DECOFILL ΣΤΟΚΟΣ ΣΤΙΓΜΙΑΙΟΣ, DECOFILL ΣΤΟΚΟΣ ΕΞΩΤΕΡΙΚΩΝ ΧΩΡΩΝ, ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΘΕΡΜΟΚΡΑΣΙΑΣ & ΣΧ. ΕΝΗΜΕΡΩΣΗ 6/11/2020. ς προσφοράς, ΖΩΙΚΕΣ & ΦΥΤΙΚΕΣ ΚΟΛΛΕΣ, ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΣ-ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑ GRAFFITI, ΒΑΜΒΑΚΙ - ΧΑΡΤΟΒΑΜΒΑΚΑΣ, ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ LASER, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΑΠΙΟΝΙΣΜΟΥ & ΑΠΟΣΤΑΞΗΣ, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΑΠΕΝΤΟΜΩΣΗΣ - ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ ΜΕ ΑΖΩΤΟ, ΑΠΑΓΩΓΟΙ ΑΕΡΙΩΝ - ΣΚΟΝΗΣ, ΕΡΜΑΡΙΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ ΤΟΞΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΦΛΕΚΤΩΝ, ΥΓΡΑΝΤΗΡΕΣ-ΑΦΥΓΡΑΝΤΗΡΕΣ, ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟΣ ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ, ΑΛΛΟΣ ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ, ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ & ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΑΕΡΑ, ΜΙΚΡΟΜΟΤΟΡ - ΜΙΚΡΟΤΡΟΧΟΙ, ΘΕΡΜΑΙΝΟΜΕΝΕΣ ΣΠΑΤΟΥΛΕΣ, ΜΙΚΡΟΔΟΝΗΤΕΣ - ΔΟΝΟΥΜΕΝΕΣ ΑΚΙΔΕΣ - ΚΡΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΘΕΡΜΟΥ ΑΕΡΑ - ΑΤΜΟΥ, ΜΑΓΝΗΤΙΚΟΙ ΑΝΑΔΕΥΤΗΡΕΣ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΘΕΡΜΟΚΟΛΛΗΣΗΣ, ΟΔΟΝΤΙΑΤΡΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ, ΦΡΕΖΕΣ - ΒΟΥΡΤΣΑΚΙΑ ΤΡΟΧΟΥ, ΡΑΣΠΕΣ-ΛΙΜΕΣ-ΓΥΑΛΟΧΑΡΤΑ, ΨΑΛΙΔΙΑ - ΚΟΠΙΔΙΑ - ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΕΣ ΚΟΠΗΣ, ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΩΝ, ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΓΛΥΠΤΙΚΗΣ & ΜΑΡΜΑΡΟΤΕΧΝΙΑΣ, ΒΟΥΡΤΣΕΣ-ΣΠΟΓΓΟΙ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ, ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ - ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΣΗΣ, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΦΩΤΙΣΜΟΥ - ΜΕΓΕΘΥΝΣΗΣ, ΦΩΤΙΣΜΟΣ ΥΠΕΡΙΩΔΟΥΣ-ΥΠΕΡΥΘΡΗΣ ΑΚΤΙΝΟΒΟΛΙΑΣ, ΦΩΤΙΖΟΜΕΝΕΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΕΣ, ΟΡΓΑΝΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΩΝ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΕΩΝ, ΘΕΡΜΟΜΕΤΡΑ-ΥΓΡΟΜΕΤΡΑ-ΨΥΧΡΟΜΕΤΡΑ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΗΣ ΥΓΡΑΣΙΑΣ, ΚΑΜΕΡΕΣ ΥΠΕΡΥΘΡΩΝ - ΘΕΡΜΙΚΕΣ ΚΑΜΕΡΕΣ, ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΑ ΦΩΤΟΜΕΤΡΑ, ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗ & ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ & ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΗΣ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ HANWELL, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ & ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΗΣ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ LITTLEMORE, ΑΛΛΑ ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ, ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΟΥ - ΒΙΒΛΙΑΚΟΥ ΥΛΙΚΟΥ, ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΣ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΟΥ ΥΛΙΚΟΥ, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ ΑΠΕΝΤΟΜΩΣΗΣ - ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ ΜΕ ΑΖΩΤΟ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΒΙΒΛΙΩΝ - ΧΑΡΤΙΟΥ, ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΟΥ, ΑΝΑΛΩΣΙΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΟΥ ΥΛΙΚΟΥ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΑ ΚΟΥΤΙΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ, ΑΡΧΕΙΑΚΟΙ ΦΑΚΕΛΟΙ - ΘΗΚΕΣ, ΣΥΝΘΕΤΙΚΕΣ ΜΕΜΒΡΑΝΕΣ - ΜΕΜΒΡΑΝΕΣ NON WOVEN, ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΚΤΙΡΙΩΝ - ΤΟΙΧΟΓΡΑΦΙΩΝ - ΨΗΦΙΔΩΤΩΝ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΩΝ LASER, ΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΕΣ - ΥΔΡΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΕΣ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΥΨΗΛΗΣ ΠΙΕΣΗΣ - ΑΤΜΟΥ, ΣΥΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ ΥΓΡΑΣΙΑΣ ΔΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΣΤΕΡΕΩΣΗΣ-ΥΔΡΟΦΟΒΙΩΣΗΣ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΩΝ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΕΝΕΜΑΤΩΝ-ΚΟΝΙΑΜΑΤΩΝ - ΣΥΓΚΟΛΛΗΣΗΣ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΘΑΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΔΟΜΙΚΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ, ΕΞΟΠΛΙΣΜΟΣ - ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΕΡΓΟΤΑΞΙΟΥ, ΕΚΘΕΣΗ - ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗ - ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑ - ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ - ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑΣ, ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΤΙΚΑ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ, ΕΝΕΡΓΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ, ΠΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΕΛΕΓΧΟΣ ΜΙΚΡΟΚΛΙΜΑΤΟΣ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΕΚΘΕΣΗΣ - ΣΤΗΡΙΞΗΣ, ΠΛΑΣΤΙΚΑ ΚΟΥΤΙΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ, ΚΑΤΑΓΡΑΦΙΚΑ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑΣ, ΑΝΤΙΟΞΙΝΑ ΧΑΡΤΙΑ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑΣ - ΦΥΛΑΞΗΣ, ΜΕΣΑ ΑΤΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ, ΑΛΛΑ ΜΕΣΑ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ & ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ, ΑΝΑΛΩΣΙΜΑ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ & ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΗΣ, ΥΛΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΑ ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΗΣ, ΒΟΗΘΗΤΙΚΑ ΥΛΙΚΑ ΖΩΓΡΑΦΙΚΗΣ, ΥΦΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΦΟΔΡΑΡΙΣΜΑΤΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΩΝ, ΥΦΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΕΝΙΣΧΥΣΗΣ-ΥΠΟΣΤΗΡΙΞΗΣ, ΤΑΙΝΙΕΣ ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΣΗΣ - ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ ΙΟΝΤΩΝ ΧΛΩΡΙΟΥ MQuant® Chloride Test Strips, ΒΕΝΤΟΥΖΕΣ ΥΑΛΟΠΙΝΑΚΩΝ, ΦΩΤΟΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΥΠΟΠΙΕΣΗΣ LED SP1 DS, ΒΕΡΝΙΚΙ 400ml SPRAY LASCAUX UV PROTECT, ARALDITE AW 106 ΜΕ ΚΑΤΑΛΥΤΗ HV 953 U, ΚΡΕΜΑΣΤΟΣ ΤΡΟΧΟΣ - 25000 rpm- 200 Watt, ΤΡΙΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΟ ΣΤΕΡΕΟΜΙΚΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΟ ΖΟΟΜ ΜΕ ΠΡΟΕΚΤΕΙΝΟΜΕΝΗ / ΠΕΡΙΣΤΡΕΦΟΜΕΝΗ ΒΑΣΗ ΗΜΙ-ΒΑΡΕΩΣ ΤΥΠΟΥ OPTIKA SLX-5, ΔΙΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΟ ΣΤΕΡΕΟΜΙΚΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΟ ΖΟΟΜ ΜΕ ΠΡΟΕΚΤΕΙΝΟΜΕΝΗ / ΠΕΡΙΣΤΡΕΦΟΜΕΝΗ ΒΑΣΗ ΗΜΙ-ΒΑΡΕΩΣ ΤΥΠΟΥ OPTIKA SLX-4, ΤΡΙΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΟ ΣΤΕΡΕΟΜΙΚΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΟ ΖΟΟΜ ECO–LED OPTIKA SLX-3, ΤΑΧΥΤΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΕ ΕΥΘΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ 49 ΕΞΑΡΤΗΜΑΤΑ, ΔΙΟΦΘΑΛΜΙΟ ΣΤΕΡΕΟΜΙΚΡΟΣΚΟΠΙΟ ΖΟΟΜ ECO–LED OPTIKA SLX-2, ΚΑΒΑΛΕΤΟ ΑΛΟΥΜΙΝΙΟΥ 2 ΣΚΑΛΟΠΑΤΙΩΝ, ΠΙΣΤΟΛΙ ΘΕΡΜΗΣ ΣΙΛΙΚΟΝΗΣ 450 Watt, Mini One - ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΣΤΑΘΕΡΗΣ ΣΧ. In-situ conservation is on site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species. Seed gene bank: This is easiest way to store the germ plasma of plants at low temperature. In-situ conservation is one of two basic conservation strategies, alongsideex-situ conservation. Kαλάθι ζήτησης προσφοράς 0. In-situ conservation of Biodiversity includes biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, etc. Such methodologies link the positive output of scientific research with farmers' experience and field work. The in-situ concept is best understood in contrast to ex-situ conservation . Anna University notes for In-situ conservation in environmental science and engineering for CSE regulation 2013, notes for In-situ conservation in EVS. This approach is called in in-situ (on site) conservation. [2]. What is In Situ. Article 8 of theConvention on Biological Diversity (CBD) specifies in-situ conservation as the primary conservation strategy, and states that ex-situ measures should play a supportive role to reach conservation targets. Larger populations can be protected. It includes both biosphere reserves as well as national parks. Efforts are also being made to set up gene sanctuaries for banana, sugarcane, rice and mango. On the other hand, ex situ conservation refers to the efforts of safeguarding wildlife species outside their natural habitats and environments. National Parks: Part of land which is controlled by the government and reserved for well being of wildlife, cultivation, grazing, forestry and habitat manipulation are not allowed. Methods. On a global basis, this problem has been addressed by eminent conservationists. At last, these improved accessions are supplied to the producers. Προϊόντα. Medizin: in situ = in der natürlichen Lage im Körper (vgl. Conservation policies will be pursued with quite different sets of instruments and conservation methods depending on the objectives and the costs implied. Museum & Archive Services. Google Scholar . Thus, the scientific knowledge about the production characteristics of the native varieties is enhanced. In agriculture, in situ conservation techniques are an effective way to improve, maintain, and use traditional or native varieties of agricultural crops. The term is frequently associated with wild, naturally regenerating populations in protected areas. Disadvantages. ΥΓΡΑΣΙΑΣ ΣΕ ΜΕΓΑΛΕΣ ΠΡΟΘΗΚΕΣ, ΕΞΕΤΑΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΜΕΓΕΘΥΝΤΙΚΟΣ ΦΑΚΟΣ ΧΕΙΡΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΖΟΜΕΝΟΣ LED & UV, PMCG II ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΣΤΑΘΕΡΗΣ ΣΧ. Also Read: National Parks and Sanctuaries. insitu - conservation tools, services and material +30 2310 251081 sales@insituconservation.com. This process protects the inhabitants and ensures the sustainability of … It can mean "locally", "on site", "on the premises", or "in place" to describe where an event takes place and is used in many different contexts. The following methods are presently used for in situ conservation. ΧΗΜΙΚΑ - ΡΗΤΙΝΕΣ . They are tracts of forest set aside where all the trees and wildlife within are venerated and given total protection. insitu - conservation tools, services and material. This page was last edited on 6 January 2021, at 20:07. Kαλάθι ζήτησης προσφοράς. It is less disruptive than removing organisms from their habitats. Ex-situ conservation strategies: Such strategies include establishment of botanical gardens, zoos, conservation strands and gene, pollen seed, seedling, tissue culture and DNA banks. When we conserve and protect the whole ecosystem, its biodiversity at all levels is protected.E.g. In situ conservation involves the maintenance of the genetic variation making up PGRFA in the location where it is encountered naturally, either in the wild or within a traditional farming or domestic situation. They are used to protect species for a long time. This involves the protection of wildlife habitats. Currently, there are 103 national parks in India. This means that they are not under the same selection pressures as wild populations, and they may undergo artificial selection if maintained ex situ for multiple generations. A national park is an area dedicated for the conservation of wildlife along with its environment. we save the entire forest to save the tiger. In agriculture, in situ conservation techniques are an effective way to improve, maintain, and use traditional or native varieties of agricultural crops. That's why protected areas form a central element of any national strategy to conserve biodiversity. Such methodologies link the positive output of scientific research with farmers' experience and field work. Another benefit is that this strategy helps ensure the ongoing processes of evolution and adaptation within their environments. It is usually a small reserve covering an area of about 100 to 500 square kilometers. The species gets adjusted to the natural disasters like drought, floods, forest fires and this method is very cheap and convenient. For example, in fields such as physics, geology, chemistry, or biology, in situ may describe the way a measurement is taken, that is, in the same place the phenomenon is occurring without isolating it from other systems or altering the original conditions of the test. Faced with the conflict between development and conservation, many nations find it unrealistic and economically not feasible to conserve all their biological wealth. In situ is the term used to describe ‘on-site’. It is often both the species and their habitat that are conserved. zoo, aquarium, botanical garden etc. In situ is a Latin phrase that translates literally to "on site" or "in position." As a last resort, ex-situ conservation may be used on some or all of the population, when in situ conservation is too difficult, or impossible. 'In-situ conservation' means the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings and, in the case of domesticated or cultivated species, in the surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties. ΥΓΡΑΣΙΑΣ ΠΡΟΘΗΚΩΝ MOSTRALOG, ΧΑΡΤΙ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑΣ ΑΝΤΙΟΞΙΝΟ ΡΟΛΟ, ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΗ ΣΚΟΥΠΑ ΥΓΡΩΝ – ΣΤΕΡΕΩΝ BULLE 1600W, ΣΕΤ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΩΝ ΞΥΛΟΓΛΥΠΤΙΚΗΣ - ΧΑΡΑΚΤΙΚΗΣ 8 ΤΕΜΑΧΙΩΝ, ΚΡΕΜΑ ΕΠΙΧΡΥΣΩΣΗΣ LIBERON, ΞΥΛΙΝΟ ΣΟΥΒΛΙ ΜΕ ΤΣΟΚ & ΑΠΟΣΠΩΜΕΝΗ ΜΥΤΗ, ΦΩΤΙΖΟΜΕΝΟΣ ΜΕΓΕΘΥΝΤΙΚΟΣ ΦΑΚΟΣ ΠΑΓΚΟΥ ΣΤΡΟΓΓΥΛΟΣ LED, ΦΩΤΙΖΟΜΕΝΟΣ ΜΕΓΕΘΥΝΤΙΚΟΣ ΦΑΚΟΣ ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟΣ ΣΤΡΟΓΓΥΛΟΣ, ΠΛΑΣΤΙΚΑ ΚΟΥΤΙΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ ΒΑΡΕΩΣ ΤΥΠΟΥ, ΣΕΤ ΣΠΑΤΟΥΛΕΣ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ INOX ΔΙΠΛΗΣ ΚΕΦΑΛΗΣ 16,5cm / 4 ΤΕΜΑΧΙΩΝ, ΤΑΙΝΙΑ ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΣΗΣ - ΜΕΤΡΗΣΗΣ ΧΛΩΡΙΟΥ (Chlorine), ΞΥΣΤΡΑ ΑΝΑΣΚΑΦΗΣ 8 Χ 8 Χ 8 cm, ΚΑΣΕΤΙΝΑ ΕΡΓΑΛΕΙΩΝ ΜΕ ΦΕΡΜΟΥΑΡ 36 ΘΕΣΕΩΝ, ΠΟΛΥΣΤΡΩΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΦΙΛΜ PET/ALU/LDPE, ΥΠΟΚΑΠΝΙΣΤΙΚΟ ΕΝΤΟΜΟΚΤΟΝΟ COPYR SMOKE, ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΣΗΣ CORROSION INTERCEPT, ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟΣ ΑΝΑΔΕΥΤΗΡΑΣ ΚΟΝΙΑΜΑΤΟΣ 135lt, ΕΠΙΔΑΠΕΔΙΑ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΥΠΟΠΙΕΣΗΣ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΩΝ, ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΑ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΥΠΟΠΙΕΣΗΣ ΣΥΝΤΗΡΗΣΗΣ ΒΙΒΛΙΩΝ, ΦΟΡΗΤΗ ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑ ΧΑΜΗΛΗΣ ΥΠΟΠΙΕΣΗΣ, ΥΔΡΑΥΛΙΚΟ ΑΝΥΨΩΤΙΚΟ ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΙ 500kgr, ΜΙΚΡΟΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗ ALLUMINA S ΦΟΡΗΤΗ, ΜΙΚΡΟΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΕΣ ALLUMINA 1/2/3 ΚΑΔΩΝ, ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑΚΕΣ ΑΝΤΛΙΕΣ ΚΕΝΟΥ TST, ΤΡΟΧΗΛΑΤΟΙ ΑΝΥΨΩΤΙΚΟΙ ΓΕΡΑΝΟΙ, ΡΑΣΠΑ ΓΥΨΟΥ STANLEY ΚΥΛΙΝΔΡΙΚΗ 250mm, ΥΔΡΑΥΛΙΚΟ ΠΑΛΕΤΟΦΟΡΟ 2.500 kgr, ΑΠΕΝΤΟΜΩΤΙΚΟ ΞΥΛΟΥ SERPOL GEL II, ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ ΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ / ΜΙΚΡΟΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ 90lt, ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ ΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ / ΜΙΚΡΟΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ 110lt, ΕΠΙΤΡΑΠΕΖΙΟΣ ΘΑΛΑΜΟΣ ΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ / ΜΙΚΡΟΑΜΜΟΒΟΛΗΣ 190lt, Παραγγελίες & Αποστολές, Πολιτική προστασίας προσωπικών δεδομένων, Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας, Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδων New-Media. Central Research Institute for Field Crops, Ankara, Turkey. In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of Teagan species. Beispiele Wissenschaft. However, in situ conservation has also been integrated into managed and multiple-use forests. Agricultural biodiversity is also conserved in ex situ collections. Kitiki, A. and Tan, A., 1998. In this chapter, the objectives of genetic resources conservation are discussed and in situ conservation methods are described, and the costs related to these conservation methods are analyzed. One benefit of in situ conservation is that it maintains recovering populations in the environment where they have developed their distinctive properties. it has to have lost at least 70% of its original habitat. Conserving the areas where populations of species exist naturally is an underlying condition for the conservation of biodiversity. The reserves must then be protected from intrusion or destruction by man, and against other catastrophes. In-situ conservation is the on-site conservation or the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest genetic resources in natural populations of Teagan species. The difference between in situ and ex situ conservation is that In-situ conservation connotes the act of conserving wildlife species in their natural habitats of growth. Ex situ conservation. pp. In-situ conservation: Conservation of ecosystems [...] and biotic communities, and the preservation and restoration of viable populations of species in their natural environment. In in situ conservation, the maintenance is made in their natural habitat, but in ex situ conservation, the germplasms is collected in proper form and preserved in the chambers … In situ (lateinisch in situ ‚am Ort ‘) ist ein Fachbegriff in verschiedenen Bereichen, der z. Wildlife and livestock conservation is mostly based on nothing. In biology, in situ refers to the examination in the exact place where the species occurs. The population size must be sufficient to enable the necessary genetic diversity to survive within the population, so that it has a good chance of continuing to adapt and evolve over time. In situ conservation 1. India has set up its first gene sanctuary in the Garo Hills of Meghalaya for wild relatives of citrus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_situ_conservation_(archaeology) Conserving the areas where populations of species exist naturally is an underlying condition for the conservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity Conservation. In Situ Conservation. 0. Also, sufficiently large reserves are maintained to enable the target species to exist in large numbers. ΔΙΑΛΥΤΕΣ. In situ conservation. Created by: Abi_xx; Created on: 01-07-16 13:29; In Situ Conservation . Zencirci, N., Kaya, Z., Anikster, Y. and Adams, W.T.). In-situ Conservation In this species are protected in their natural habitat by making their habitats protected areas for example-National parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves, etc. The chances of the population recovering are greater than ex situ methods. A wildlife sanctuary is an area which is reserved for the conservation of animals only. Das Antonym (Gegensatzwort) ist ex situ. Currently, there are 18 Biosphere Reserves in India. Sukriti Singh A0523113081 BTBM/13/242 2. It is the conservation and protection of genetic resources of plant and animal species in their natural habitats itself. Individuals maintained ex situ exist outside an ecological niche. Many scientists and conservationists feel that until methods are available to discern easily which of the millions of species and varieties will have economic value, in-situ conservation through the protection of natural areas should be the primary means for the maintenance of these resources. English. B. Ex-situ conservation, which is also known as off-site conservation, refers to the conservation of endangered species in the artificial or man-made habitats that imitate their natural habitats, e.g. It means locally or in position. (Source: CBD, Art. In-situ conservation, the conservation of species in their natural habitats, is considered the most appropriate way of conserving biodiversity. Biosphere reserves cover very large areas, often more than 5000 km2. [1] This process protects the inhabitants and ensures the sustainability of the environment and ecosystem. Ελληνικά . In-situ methods use conservation areas as "warehouses" of biological information. This term is used in many fields to describe various processes including biological ones. [3], Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://www.careerpower.in/national-parks-india.html, In-Situ Conservation, The Convention on Biological Diversity, Ex-Situ Conservation, The Convention on Biological Diversity, IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Guidelines: In vivo conservation of animal genetic resources, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=In-situ_conservation_in_India&oldid=998734760, All Wikipedia articles written in Indian English, Articles needing additional references from November 2017, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Currently, there are 551 wildlife sanctuaries in India. Thus, farmers are enabled to crop improved selections of their own varieties, instead of being lured to substitute their own varieties with commercial ones or to abandon their crop. In situ and ex situ conservation methods are complementary options essential to the maintenance of crop and biological diversity (Office of Technology Assessment, 1987a). Bioremediation, Conservation, Ecology, Ex Situ, In Situ, Location. A national park is an area which is used to conserve scenery, natural and historical objects. That's why protected areas form a central element of any national strategy to conserve biodiversity. This process protects the inhabitants and ensures the sustainability of the environment and ecosystem. It is the type of protected area introduced in Wildlife Protection Amendment Act 2002 to provide legal support to community or privately owned reserves which cannot be designated as national park or wildlife sanctuary. In-situ conservation, the conservation of species in their natural habitats, is considered the most appropriate way of conserving biodiversity. According to Conservation international, to qualify as a hotspot a region must meet two strict criteria : A gene sanctuary is an area where plants are conserved. it must contain at least 1,500 species of vascular plants (∆ 0.5% of the world's total) as endemics. It offers less mobility to the animals as it is smaller in area than the area of in-situ conservation. Advantages. This technique of conservation of agricultural biodiversity is more successful in marginal areas, where commercial varieties are not expedient, due to climate and soil fertility constraints. In-situ (‘on site’, ‘in place’) conservation is a set of conservation techniques involving the designation, management and monitoring of biodiversity in the same area where it is encountered. 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