Learn everything an expat should know about managing finances in Germany, including bank accounts, paying taxes, getting insurance and investing. ;REEL/FRAME:034648/0635, Free format text: USPTO; Advisory Action dated Jul. The invention provides, in some aspects, electronic devices with improved radiators (or “passive drivers”) comprising an elastomerically mounted mass in order to improve sound reproduction fidelity. READ PAPER. Srivastava et al., Metallic Foams: Current Status and Future Prospects. 24, 2009 in U.S. Appl. USPTO; Notice of Allowance dated Dec. 17, 2009 in U.S. Appl. He was a solid-state physicist by training and in 1973 held a visiting professorship at the University of California, Berkeley. Previous page . This paper. SURCHARGE FOR LATE PAYMENT, LARGE ENTITY (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: M1554); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, Free format text: Aug. 2006;9(4):9-13. Although, in the illustrated embodiment, battery 40 is discrete from (but suitable for assembly with) elastomeric members 27, 28, in other embodiments these can be integral members. Illustrated leads 32 also serve to tether the detached panel 24 to the device 5, although, that function may be provided otherwise (or not at all) in other embodiments. Coregis Insurance, Sr. Claims Technician, 1994-1995; CNA Insurance, Sr. Claims Representative, 1991-1994; Education. Download Free PDF. Chinese Office Action sent to us Jan. 28, 2005 for Application No. FIG. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST (SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS). Tech Link International Entertainment Ltd. Walker Asset Management Limited Partnership, Philips Electronics North America Corporation. Denizita Medina. Wang et al., Sound absorption of open celled aluminium foam fabricated by investment casting method. PATENTED CASE, Free format text: PDF. PCT/US2005/032308 (10 Pages). Customer-loved activewear. Features-Create a Custom Text: Pearson Customenables you to work with a dedicated … 24, 2010 (5 Pages). 1A and 1B are front and rear perspective views, respectively, of an electronic device according to one practice of the invention; FIG. Active drivers 12 can be mid-range and/or high-frequency (tweeters) speakers of the type commonly known in the art and used for reproducing sounds of about 200-20,000 Hz for handheld, desktop or other small and/or low-powered apparatus. This paper. No. LIEN;ASSIGNOR:DR. G LICENSING, LLC. Science Fiction and the Hidden Global Agenda - Carl James - 1st Ed - 2014 - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Illustrated panel 34 can include an integral grill (not shown) that protects the operative portion of the radiator 34 from probing fingers or insult while, at the same time, facilitating propagation into the surrounding environment of sound waves generated by that radiator 34. 3 depicts a cross-sectional view of the electronic device of FIGS. 29, 2010 (5 Pages). Amjadi and … Comic-Con International: San Diego returns to the San Diego Convention Center in 2017, beginning with Preview … define theses; owl and purdue; apa 6th edition format for essay . 1A depicts an electronic device 5 according to one practice of the invention. FIG. Download PDF Package. The specific circuitry of this aspect of the invention uses … The foregoing notwithstanding, there is increased demand for improved bass response in small devices and particularly, for example, small low-powered (e.g., battery-operated) devices. Framing member 26 is coupled to leads 26, as shown, so as to insure that there is electrical connectivity between the battery 40 and the circuit board 31 (or other internal components of device 5) when the panel 24 and radiator 34 are assembled and/or reattached for operation. 3 is a top-down cross-sectional view of the sound cradle 5. Illustrated enclosure 10 comprises a sealed plastic enclosure, e.g., of a volume of approximately 50 cc-300 cc, of the type commonly used for small handheld or desktop electronic devices. 2A is a rear perspective view of the electronic device of FIGS. International Search Report and Written Opinion mailed Sep. 28, 2006 for Application No. As shown in FIG. Cussler was the founder and chairman … Stamporama began with 6 members in January 1996 with one idea -- trading duplicates among the members. The respondent is proprietor of European patent No. Like enclosure 10, panel 24 of the illustrated embodiment is fabricated from plastic, metal, ceramic or other suitable materials known in the art. 1A and 1B showing panel that includes a passive radiator according to the invention removed; FIG. In further aspects of the invention, the elastomerically-mounted mass (e.g., battery) has a generally thin, planar configuration. Though two such drivers 12 are shown in the drawing, in other embodiments there may be varying numbers and configurations of such active drivers 12 (e.g., four linearly disposed active drivers). ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST;ASSIGNOR:GUENTHER, GODEHARD A.;REEL/FRAME:030589/0162, NUTTER MCCLENNEN & FISH, LLP, MASSACHUSETTS, LIEN;ASSIGNOR:DR. G LICENSING, LLC. a passive woofer comprised of a mass elastomerically mounted in a wall of the enclosure and air-coupled to one or more of the speakers, wherein the mass comprises a first circuit element of the device; wherein the first circuit element is electrically coupled by at least one conductive lead to a second circuit element of the device. A further object of the invention is to provide such woofers as can be produced at reasonable cost. The method of the invention in one aspect involves electronic power control by varying the amplitude of an electrical power supply voltage, independent of frequency, whereby the output frequency will always be the same as the input frequency. I’ve learned over my years as a sewing machine repair technician that many sewers have a personal relationship with their machine. The invention relates to sound reproduction and, in particular, to improved loudspeakers and electronic devices incorporating same. 25, 2009 (3 Pages). TAGS: Spectrum , Telecommunications , Wireless , Workforce Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command Operations Officer … The Clearing House Service Company L.L.C. 10/708,597. Denizita Medina. As in the transition from MPEG-1 to MPEG-2, MPEG-2.5 adds additional sampling rates exactly half of those available using MPEG-2. Sunglasses. The mass comprises a component of the device not normally used for such purpose—e.g., a battery—thereby, permitting size reductions while, at the same time, enhancing audio fidelity. 22, 2007 for Application No. The foregoing are among the objects attained by the invention which provides, in some aspects, electronic devices with improved radiators (or “passive drivers”) comprising an elastomerically mounted mass in order to improve sound reproduction fidelity. This extension was developed at Fraunhofer IIS, the registered patent holders of MP3, by reducing the frame sync field in the MP3 header from 12 to 11 bits. generation of a signal involved in cell-cell signaling, , , LOUDSPEAKERS, MICROPHONES, GRAMOPHONE PICK-UPS OR LIKE ACOUSTIC ELECTROMECHANICAL TRANSDUCERS; DEAF-AID SETS; PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS, Details of transducers, loudspeakers or microphones, Arrangements for obtaining desired frequency or directional characteristics, Arrangements for obtaining desired frequency or directional characteristics for obtaining desired frequency characteristic only, Transducer mountings or enclosures modified by provision of mechanical or acoustic impedances, e.g. , Philips to Test RFID platform, RFID Takes Priority with Wal-Mart, http //www.bible-prophecy.com/pcu9.htm!, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online attained by reference to the bold attitude of Badge! Mobile Web version is similar to the bold attitude of Black Badge and.... 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